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GamificationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: BY00FH85


5 op


You understand gamification as a concept, elements, game mechanisms, and dynamics of gamification.
You can use learning theories and learning experiences when using gamification.
You understand the importance of activation and experientiality in gamification.
You know how to plan and implement gamification that strengthens agile working life learning.


What is mean by gamification?
What elements, game mechanics and dynamics of gamification should considered?
What learning theories and learning experience be utilized in the agile development of learning at work?
How do you use the legality, activation and experiental nature of gamification to strenghten learning at work and to motivate and engage employees?
What kind of multiprofessional co-operation is required in gamification?
What factors should be taken into account and understood in the gamification that strengthens the learning of working life?