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RPA solutions and business benefitsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: BY00ET85


5 op


After completing the course, the student:
• understand the basics of RPA and its possibilities in organizations
• knows the benefits and challenges of RPA and understands its ethical and legal aspects
• can evaluate and identify processes to be automated and understand how the RPA project is carried out in the organization
• understand how RPA tools and techniques are applied in practice


• The basics of RPA technology and its utilization and impact in the organization
• Planning and developing RPA solutions, such as process identification, evaluation and prioritization
• Ethical and legal aspects of RPA


14.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Yhteisten opintojen koulutusyksikkö



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Marjo Puikkonen
Teacher in charge

Marjo Puikkonen

  • Master_eKampus
    Master-opinnot, eKampus


After completing the course, the student:
• understand the basics of RPA and its possibilities in organizations
• knows the benefits and challenges of RPA and understands its ethical and legal aspects
• can evaluate and identify processes to be automated and understand how the RPA project is carried out in the organization
• understand how RPA tools and techniques are applied in practice


• The basics of RPA technology and its utilization and impact in the organization
• Planning and developing RPA solutions, such as process identification, evaluation and prioritization
• Ethical and legal aspects of RPA


All materials are available in Learning platform.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Online lessions, online exercices, independent work.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

To be notified in the beginning of course.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

All assignments must be returned before end date of course. Course can not be passed with just an exam. The course assignments must be returned by the deadline.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Online lessons, other educational material, assignments and independent work total approx. 135 hours.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

To be notified in the beginning of course

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Approved return of the assignments to the learning platform. You must receive required minimum points for grade.