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Responsible leadership and diverse workplaces.Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: XY00FL30


5 op


You can manage yourself, develop your leadership skills and your ability to be a responsible member of the work community.
You will be able to lead, develop your leadership and your capacity as a leader and member of the work community in a responsible way.
You will be able to analyse and develop the functioning of a diverse work community in a solution-oriented and productive way.
You will be able to act in a leadership role in situations typical of a frontline worker.
Be able to identify specific issues and current development challenges in management and working in the workplace


How do you lead yourself?
How do you identify different roles, behaviours and phenomena in the workplace?
What is responsibility in leadership and in a diverse workplace?
How do you develop a goal-oriented approach to a diverse workplace?
How can you communicate, act and lead as a responsible member of the work community?
How can you act as a first person in a changing working environment