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Trauma-informed approach and wellbeing in communitiesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HYV0FL56


5 op


You are able to describe the mechanisms of trauma and its effects on the individual.
You identify different vulnerabilities that affect the actions of individuals in interactions.
You are able to prevent the re-traumatisation of an individual, family or communities.
You are able to describe factors that promote the wellbeing of communities.
You are able to promote the experience of psychological safety in different communities.
You know and are able to apply different working methods to promote healthy communities.


What does trauma and traumatization mean?
How do you recognize the signs of traumatization?
How do you prevent re-traumatization of an individual, family or community?
What are the factors behind thriving communities?
How do you promote the experience of safety in different communities?
What kind of working methods are used to promote thriving communities?
What kinds of things in an individual's life history affect their actions in communities?