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Advanced expertise in medical treatment and pharmacologyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SH00FL83


5 op


You are able to take a patient’s primary diseases and medication into account in your work.
You are able to take into account the special groups of medication (children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, the elderly and patients with renal or liver insufficiencies) in your work.
You can pay attention to the desired and non-desired effects of medication on patients.
You can influence a patient’s compliance to medical treatment.
You can apply the databases of medication and pharmacology safely to your own work.
You can justify your actions regarding medication in a professional manner.
You are able to organize a patient’s medication according to the principles of safe medication.


How do a patient’s primary diseases and their treatment influnce the total medication?
How do pregnancy, breastfeeding, renal and liver insuffiencies, and ageing affect carrying out medication and how does children’s medication differ from that of adults?
How do you follow the desired and non-desired effects of medication?
Which factors affect patient compliance and how can you promote a patient’s compliance to medication?
How do you use and take advantage of reliable pharmacology and medication databases?
How do you carry out and organize a patient’s medication according to the principles of safe medication?
How do you justify your actions in medication in a professional manner?