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Residential designLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SK00FK72


5 op


You are able to observe constructed spaces as places for living.

You understand the basics of residential design.

You can analyze the space and the demand for functionality.

You are able to understand a series of spaces as a whole and the relations between them.

You can scale the functional needs of living.

You are able to sketch both manually and in 2D and 3D.

You are able to communicate your design by presenting your plans through sketches, simple 2D construction drawings and 3D modelling.


How do you utilize architectural drawings and drawing symbols in your designs?

How do you plan spaces and understand demands for functionality?

How do you utilize CAD skills in your own project?

How to deepen your knowledge by visiting companies or material suppliers' infos, and on the basis of the information and experience gained?

How to present your work professionally?