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Restoration of ecosystemsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: WT00FN87


5 op


You understand the functioning of different ecosystems and their components such as species, habitats and food chains functions. You identify different habitats and their characteristics. You learn the basic species and identification of habitats. You know the basics of ecological restoration: different methods and strategies for restoring habitats. This can be related, for example, to plantations, the establishment of protected areas and the support of natural processes. You understand to role of ecosystem services: restored habitats can provide various benefits to people, such as clean water, air purification, harvest and recreation opportunities, increased value of the areas. You know the role of legislation and policy in restoring habitats and related challenges.​
Course consist of 3 cu theory and 2 cu case study and excursions selected by students.​


What are the components of ecosystem?​

What is the restoration of habitat?​

What are the ecosystem services?​

What kind of techniquies is used in restoration of ecosystems?​

What are the indicator species in various environments/habitats?​

You know the basics of environmental policy as guiding tool?