Information technology (5 cr)
Code: RA00CY03-3015
General information
22.08.2022 - 28.08.2022
29.08.2022 - 19.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Department of Construction and Energy Engineering
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Construction Engineering
- Marika Höglund
Teacher in charge
Marika Höglund
RAKT22SPConstruction engineering, full-time studies
Word: Miten teet merkki- ja kappalemuotoiluja? Miten teet sivuasetuksia?
Miten lisäät ja muotoilet kuvia, WordArt- ja SmartArt-objekteja?
Miten luot Wordin toiminnoilla kaavoja? Miten palstoitat tekstin ja laadit
ja muotoilet taulukoita ja käytät sarkaimia? Miten käytät, luot ja muotoilet
tyylejä? Miten laadit asiakirjamalliin perustuvia asiakirjoja? Miten
luot ja muotoilet sisällysluettelon ja lähdeluettelon? Miten jaat asiakirjan
Excel: Miten laadit taulukon ja muotoilet sen sekä solun sisällön? Miten
käytät funktioita ja luot kaavoja? Miten teet suhteellisen ja absoluuttisen
soluviittauksen ja miten hyödynnät niitä tehokkaassa taulukkolaskennassa?
Miten lisäät työkirjaan kaavioita, yhdistelmäkaavioita ja miten
muotoilet niitä? Miten käsittelet (siirrät, kopioit, poistat, uudelleennimeät,
piilotat, suojaat, muotoilet) työkirjan taulukoita? Miten lajittelet
ja suodatat isoja taulukoita. Miten käytät haku-, jos-, summa.jos-,
laske.jos- ja laske.a-funktioita sekä teet pudotettavia luetteloja? Miten
hyödynnät ehdollista muotoilua taulukon luettavuuden selkeyttämiseksi?
PowerPoint: Miten teet näyttävän diaesityksen, hyödynnät teemoja ja
muotoilet niitä? Miten hyödynnät erilaisia diojen rakennemalleja? Miten
lisäät animaatioita, videoita ja ääntä esitykseesi? Miten teet non-stop
sekä yleisölle pidettäviä esityksiä?
Miten voit upottaa ja linkittää tietoja Office-ohjelmasta toiseen?
Suoritustapa: Osallistuminen opetukseen ja koe.
Opintojaksolla käytetään Office 2016 ohjelmia.
The material indicated by the teacher.
Course material in Learn.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
Word: How to edit characters and paragraphs? How to make page settings? How to add and format pictures, and WordArt and SmartArt objects? How to create formulas with Word features? How to organize text into columns, create and edit tables, and use tabs? How to use, create and edit styles? How to create documents based on template documentation? How to create and edit a table of contents and table of references? How to divide your document into sections?
Excel: How to create and format a table, and the contents of a cell? How to use functions, and create formulas? How to make a relative and absolute cell reference, and how to use them effectively in the spreadsheet? How to add charts and combination charts to the workbook and how to format them? How to process (move, copy, delete, rename, hide, protect, format) tables in the workbook? How to sort and filter large tables? How to use functions such as 'lookup', 'if', 'sum.if', 'count.if', and 'count.a' , and create multi-launching drop lists? How to use conditional formatting in order to improve the readability of the table?
PowerPoint: How to create an effective slide show presentation, and utilize and format themes? How to take advantage of a variety of slide design templates? How to add animations, videos, and audio to your presentation? How to make a non-stop presentation and a presentation that is to be given to an audience?
How to embed and link information from one Office program to another?
Independent track:
Word: How to edit characters and paragraphs? How to make page settings? How to add and format pictures, and WordArt and SmartArt objects? How to create formulas with Word features? How to organize text into columns, create and edit tables, and use tabs? How to use, create and edit styles? How to create documents based on template documentation? How to create and edit a table of contents and table of references? How to divide your document into sections?
Excel: How to create and format a table, and the contents of a cell? How to use functions, and create formulas? How to make a relative and absolute cell reference, and how to use them effectively in the spreadsheet? How to add charts and combination charts to the workbook and how to format them? How to process (move, copy, delete, rename, hide, protect, format) tables in the workbook? How to sort and filter large tables? How to use functions such as 'lookup', 'if', 'sum.if', 'count.if', and 'count.a' , and create multi-launching drop lists? How to use conditional formatting in order to improve the readability of the table?
PowerPoint: How to create an effective slide show presentation, and utilize and format themes? How to take advantage of a variety of slide design templates? How to add animations, videos, and audio to your presentation? How to make a non-stop presentation and a presentation that is to be given to an audience?
How to embed and link information from one Office program to another?
Blended track:
Word: How to edit characters and paragraphs? How to make page settings? How to add and format pictures, and WordArt and SmartArt objects? How to create formulas with Word features? How to organize text into columns, create and edit tables, and use tabs? How to use, create and edit styles? How to create documents based on template documentation? How to create and edit a table of contents and table of references? How to divide your document into sections?
Excel: How to create and format a table, and the contents of a cell? How to use functions, and create formulas? How to make a relative and absolute cell reference, and how to use them effectively in the spreadsheet? How to add charts and combination charts to the workbook and how to format them? How to process (move, copy, delete, rename, hide, protect, format) tables in the workbook? How to sort and filter large tables? How to use functions such as 'lookup', 'if', 'sum.if', 'count.if', and 'count.a' , and create multi-launching drop lists? How to use conditional formatting in order to improve the readability of the table?
PowerPoint: How to create an effective slide show presentation, and utilize and format themes? How to take advantage of a variety of slide design templates? How to add animations, videos, and audio to your presentation? How to make a non-stop presentation and a presentation that is to be given to an audience?
How to embed and link information from one Office program to another?
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
There is no STUDY and working life cooperation during the course.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be announced later on the Learn platform of the course.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment criteria level 3: entry-level know-how and skills
Students are able to:
a. You can use professional vocabulary systematically.
b. You can manage the appropriate methods of information search.
c. You can idnetify intterrelated tasks.
e. You can apply the key models, methods, software and techniques of the professional field.