Research and development skills (5 cr)
Code: MO00DS25-3094
General information
18.12.2021 - 16.01.2022
01.01.2022 - 12.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Department of Health Care and Emergency Care
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Naprapathy
- Marja Turkki
- Sami Norrbacka
Teacher in charge
Marja Turkki
NAKT20SPNaprapathy, full-time studies
Common learning outcomes (as implemented in degree programmes) 2 ECTS credits:
You know the general stages in a research and development process.
You are able to search for information in the key information environments of your own field.
You are able to read, critically evaluate and utilize the literature and research publications of your own field.
You are familiar with and able to apply the principles of research ethics and reliability.
You are able to compose a literature review based on the materials published in your field of study and your own bachelor’s thesis following the principles of scientific communication.
Degree programme specific learning outcomes for research and development methods, 3 ECTS credits
You are familiar with the current research subjects and development needs of your own field.
You are familiar with and able to apply the key development approaches and/or research methods and ethical principles of your own field.
You are able to report on a research or development process following the principles of professional and scientific communication.
Content of common learning outcomes, 2 ECTS credits:
What are the phases into which a research and development process can be divided?
How do you find, read and critically evaluate the research data of your own field?
How do you write a literature review that utilizes reliable research data and is linked to your own field and bachelor’s thesis following the principles of ethical scientific communication?
Degree programme specific content, 3 ECTS credits
What are the key research subjects and development needs in your own field?
What are the development approaches and/or research methods in your own field and how do you apply them in practice based on the development needs of your own field?
How do you report a research or development process following the principles of ethical professional and scientific communication in your own field?
Löytyy Learnista opintojakson alussa
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Ei mahdollinen tällä opintojaksolla
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Ei mahdollinen tällä opintojaksolla
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Sovitaan opintojakson alussa
Opiskelijan työmäärä
27 h X 5 op = 135h
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Tutkimus- ja kehittämisosaamisen (4op) osuuteen kuuluu seuraavat aiheet:
-opinnäytetyöprosessin hallinta
-tieteellisen tutkimuksen perusteet ja tieteenfilosofia
-laadulliset menetelmät
-määrälliset menetelmät
Tieteellisen kirjoittamisen / raportoinnin osuus 1 op (Sami Norrbacka)
Further information
Opintojakso etenee poikkeuksellisesti yli lukuvuoden. Arvioitavana tehtävänä laaditaan tutkimussuunnitelma omasta opinnäytetyöstä, kunhan opinnäytetyön aihe tarkentuu. Tutkimussuunnitelmassa kuvataan myös laajasti opinnäytetyössä käytettävä tutkimusmenetelmä ja sen soveltaminen omaan työhön.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Tutkimus- ja kehittämismenetelmistä Learn-tentti sekä tutkimussuunnitelma.