Nursing in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis (5 cr)
Code: AV00EL04-3003
General information
07.03.2023 - 05.06.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Open UAS and Continuing education
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Open University
- Anne Ulmanen
AVMISH22SPOVAvoin AMK, Mikkeli, Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), erillispolku verkossa
AVLHSH22SPOVAvoin amk, Lähihoitajasta Sairaanhoitajaksi (AMK), erillispolku verkossa
Nursing in mental health
You can apply information on key mental disorders and psychiatric illnesses to nursing.
You master the key nursing methods and medication in treating mental disorders and psychiatric illnesses.
You are able to use different methods to support the psychosocial and convictional needs of patients and their families.
You can carry out the medication of mental disorders and psychiatric illnesses.
You know how do communicate professionally and with the nursing viewpoint with customers/patients of different ages and backgrounds and their families.
You are able to apply evidence-based information to mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis.
Substance abuse care
You master the key methods in substance abuse care and early intervention.
Nursing in acute crisis
You are able to support a person in an acute crisis.
You recognize sorrow and the stages of sorrow
Mental health nursing
What are the most common mental disorders and psychiatric illnesses?
What are the procedures and methods used in treating mental disorders and psychiatric illnesses?
How is medication carried out in the most common mental disorders and psychiatric illnesses?
What do cognitive and emotional communication skills include?
How are interaction respecting a customer, empowering and trust-building interaction and touching as part of interaction carried out?
What should be taken into account when communicating with different kinds of customers and with customers of different ages?
What does interaction maintaining patient safety with customers and their families mean?
What does dialogic interaction mean?
How do you apply evidence-based information to treating mental health patients?
Substance abuse care
What information is required about alcohol, substitute alcohol, multiaddiction and drugs?
What are the methods of substance abuse care and early intervention?
What does mini-intervention include and how does it proceed?
How are substance abuse prevention and the treatment of damages, health risks and problems carried out?
How do you apply evidence-based information in substance abuse care?
Nursing in crisis
How is acute crisis defined and what stages does it include?
How is the need for mental support recognized?
What is expert aid and how is it organized?
How do you apply evidence-based information to nursing in crisis?
How do you recognize sorrow and the stages of sorrow?
Oppikirja: Lönnqvist, J., Henriksson, M., Marttunen M &, Partonen T.
2017. Duodecim. Psykiatria. -> löytyy e-kirjana Oppiportista
Kirja, jossa käsitellään hoitosuhdetta mielenterveys- ja päihdehoitotyössä, esimerkiksi
– Holmberg, J. 2016. Hoitajana mielenterveys- ja päihdetyössä.
Edita. TAI
– Hietaharju, P. & Nuuttila, M. 2016. Käytännön mielenterveystyö.
Sanoma Pro.
Muu opintojaksolla ilmoitettu materiaali.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Opintojakso toteutuu kokonaan verkossa. Opintojakson voi suorittaa määräajan sisällä omaan tahtiin.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Opintojakso sisältää tentin, joka suoritetaan Learn-alustalla sille määrättynä ajankohtana. Hylätyn tentin voi uusia kaksi kertaa.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
1op = 27 opiskelijan työtä, eli 5op = 135h opiskelijan työtä, joka jakautuu verkkotehtävien tekemiseen, itseopiskeluun ja tenttiin.
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Kriisi- ja väkivaltatyö 2op
Psykiatria ja päihdelääketiede 1op
Mielenterveys- ja päihdehoitotyö 1op
Hoitosuhdetyöskentely 1op
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
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