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Risk management (5 cr)

Code: TU00EB38-3002

General information


07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022


09.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Department of Business


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 60

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Turvallisuusala


  • Mikko Turunen
  • Mari Viljakainen
  • Ilpo Tauriainen

Teacher in charge

Anssi Heikkinen


  • TUSA21SP
    Business Management, safety and security, full-time studies


You understand risk management concepts, areas and business relevance to an organization. You understand that it is important for an organization to maintain its ability to function and to strive to recover as quickly as possible to ensure business continuity in all situations. Therefore, crisis management interacts closely with business continuity management.
You understand the principles and methods of risk management. You are able to identify, evaluate, analyze and deal with various risks appropriately. You deepen your knowledge of risk management methods and standards and are able to employ them in a versatile way. You are familiar with COSOERM and ISO 31 000 standards and can use them in your job.


How do you define the basics of a company's risk management and contingency planning requirements and best practices and apply them in action?
How do you assess and manage business and organizational security risks?
How do you plan, evaluate, and develop corporate and organizational security and risk management as part of your business and organization operations?
What are the COSOERM and ISO 31 000 standards and how do you apply them to your job?

Further information

Mikko Turusen 2 op:n opetuskokonaisuudesta 1 op toteutetaan tallenteina verkossa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, good (3)

Hallitset alan ammattikäsitteitä johdonmukaisesti.
Osaat etsiä tietoa alan keskeisistä tietolähteistä.
Osaat hahmottaa erilaisia tehtäväkokonaisuuksia työssäsi.
Osaat toimia asiakkaiden, käyttäjien, kohderyhmien ja sidosryhmien kanssa yhteistyössä.
Osaat käyttää keskeisiä oman alan, menetelmiä ja ohjelmistoja työsi tukena.
Osat toimia tiimin jäsenenä tavoitteellisesti.


Edellytetään kyberturvallisuuden, tietoturvallisuuden ja kriisinhallinnan opintojaksojen suorittamista.