Supervising and supporting self-care management in social and health care environment (5 cr)
Code: HT00DT80-3035
General information
06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023
28.08.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Savonlinna Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Jussi Mähönen
- Sari Pölönen
- Niina Luukkonen
- Jaana Dillström
- Emma Mikkonen
Teacher in charge
Sari Pölönen
SHSA23KVMNursing, online/part-time studies
- 04.12.2023 09:00 - 16:00, Ryhmä A: Motivoiva keskustelu -simulaatio: Ohjaus ja omahoidon tukeminen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon toimintaympäristössä HT00DT80-3035
- 05.12.2023 09:00 - 16:00, Ryhmä B: Motivoiva keskustelu -simulaatio: Ohjaus ja omahoidon tukeminen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon toimintaympäristössä HT00DT80-3035
Supervising and supporting self-care management
You know how to evaluate the customer’s/patient’s needs, resources and his/her own responsibility in planning the guidance and self-care.
You are able to plan and carry out evidence-based individual and group guidance in cooperation with the customer/patient and other experts.
You can assess the results of guidance together with the customer/patient, his/her family and healthcare professionals.
You know how to plan and carry out the guidance supporting customer’s/patient’s self-care in a pedagogic and ethical manner.
You are able to guide and support the customer/patient and his/her family in committing to the care.
Social and health care environment
You understand how social and health care is organized, how services are produced and organized, and how they are guided and supervised in Finland.
You understand the significance of social security as part of the total care of a customer/patient.
You understand the tasks of different operational and service units as part of the chain of care and services.
You understand your role in building the reputation, brand and image of the organization and in creating a service experience for the customer.
You can utilize electronic services as part of the total care of a customer/patient.
You can direct and motivate the customer/patient to use digital services.
You are able to work in changing operational environments and carry out customer guidance.
Supervising and supporting self-care management
What are the stages in the guidance process?
Which underlying factors and laws are the starting points for guidance?
What are the prerequisites of quality patient/customer guidance?
What does patient/customer orientation mean?
What is ethically good guidance like?
How is a good and interactive guidance relationship built?
How do you take the cultural background into consideration in meeting and interacting with the customer?
How are premeditation and goal-orientation carried out in planning?
How do you evaluate the customer’s/patient’s resources?
How are intellectual, social and emotional support and guidance carried out?
What do evidence-based guidance and pedagogic methods mean?
How do you use diverse methods in the guidance of different customers/clients (oral/written guidance, demonstration, guidance by phone, audiovisual guidance, group and individual guidance, digital guidance)?
How do you assess the effects, quality and adequacy of guidance?
How do you support and motivate the customer’s/patient’s commitment to care and promote his/her participation in the care together with strengthening the feeling of control?
How do you guide the patient's close ones in patient care and commitment to care?
How do you develop your skills in guidance?
How do you recognize a person who needs care?
Social and health care environment
How is the service system of social and health care monitored and directed?
How are the quality and effects of services ensured in organizing and guiding the services?
How is the work divided and organized between the healthcare service providers and the public, private and third sectors?
What does cooperation between different municipal sectors consist of in producing services?
What does the responsibility of continuous patient care mean according to one’s own job description?
How are services and their timing organized, how are customers informed of services and guided to making choices?
How is patient safety guaranteed as part of a successful service chain and experience?
How are digital services carried out in health care?
What role does health technology have to play in social and health care?
What is the significance of social media and how should it be taken into account in nursing?
Opiskelumateriaali ilmoitetaan opintojakson Learn-alustalla.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Voit osoittaa osaamistasi aiemmin hankitulla korkeakouluopinnoilla tai työkokemuksella, mikäli ne vastaavat opintojakson tavoitteita. Jos haet osittaista osaamisen tunnustamista (1-4 op), lähetä vapaamuotoinen osaamisen kuvaus ja todistukset sähköpostilla opintojakson vastuuopettajalle kuukautta ennen opintojakson alkua. Koko opintojakson osaamisen tunnistaminen (5 op) haetaan E-opintotoimiston kautta.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Materiaaleissa on työelämäedustajien videoita ja työelämästä tulevia esimerkkejä.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon toimintaympäristö -osuudesta on Exam-tentti, joka tulee tehdä opintojakson päättymiseen mennessä.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Opintojakso on laajuudeltaan 5op, mikä vastaa 135h opiskelijan työtä.
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Opintojakso koostuu ohjaus ja omahoidon tukeminen -osuudesta (3 op) ja sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon toimintaympäristö -osuudesta (2op).
1.Toimintaympäristön osuus on itsenäisenä verkko-opiskeluna. Itsenäinen opiskelu edellyttää tavoitteellisuutta, vastuunottamista ja ajankäytön suunnittelua, mitkä tukevat yrittäjämäisiä valmiuksia.
2. Ohjaus- ja omahoidon osuus 2op. Toteutetaan joustavina verkko-opintoina. Lisäksi oppimisen tueksi tarjolla 8h yhteisiä verkkotapaamisia.
3. Motivoiva haastattelu 1 op. Toteutetaan kampuksella simulaatioharjoituksena.
Further information
Opintojakson opettajat:
Sari Pölönen (Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon toimintaympäristö)
Niina Luukkonen (ohjaus- ja omahoito)
Jaana Dillström ja Niina Luukkonen (Motivoiva haastattelu)
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon toimintaympäristö (2 op) arvioidaan itsenäisesti tehtävällä verkkotentillä. (arviointiasteikko 1-5).
2. Ohjaus- ja omahoidon osuus 2 op. Arviointi hyv/hyl.
3. Motivoiva haastattelu 1 op. Arviointi hyv/hyl. 100% läsnäolo vaaditaan.