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Discrete mathematics 1 (5 cr)

Code: TK00BK40-3031

General information


06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023


15.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Department of Information Technology


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages

  • English
  • Finnish


15 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Degree Programme in Information Technology


  • Teemu Saarelainen

Teacher in charge

Teemu Saarelainen


  • POKT23SP
    Game programming, full-time studies
  • 16.01.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 23.01.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 30.01.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 06.02.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 13.02.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 20.02.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 05.03.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 19.03.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 02.04.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 09.04.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031
  • 16.04.2024 12:30 - 15:45, Discrete mathematics 1 TK00BK40-3031


You are able to perform calculations in different number systems.
You are able to present valid arguments.
You are able to combine sets algebraically.


How are numbers presented in number systems and calculations performed?
What do logic and valid argumentation mean?
How are sets and relations defined and how are they combined and illustrated?
What does abstract algebra, especially Boolean algebra, mean?


Electronic material as well as web material published on the course's Learn platform. Exercises and their model answers are also given to students on the course's Learn platform and / or Teams channel.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Participation in contact and / or remote learning according to the work schedule. The student completes the assignments, tasks and project work required in the course before the given deadlines and participates in the exam at the end of the course if it will be arranged.

Alternative methods of study must be agreed with the lecturer in charge before the beginning of the course.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

This course does not include any RDI- or working life cooperation.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Practical exercises are returned before their set deadlines. Work that is returned after the deadlines will not be reviewed. Exams and their dates will be agreed upon together with the students.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

A total of 135h, of which about 55hrs is contact learning and 80hrs is independent work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Grading is based on participation and activity in contact learning, accepted practical exercises and their scores, and possible exams.