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Nursing reception work, homecare and preclinical training (6 cr)

Code: HY00EP44-3011

General information


08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024


26.08.2024 - 06.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Health Care and Emergency Care


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care


  • Linda Metsälä
  • Johanna Koskenniemi

Teacher in charge

Johanna Koskenniemi


  • EHKT23KP
    Emergency Care, full-time studies
  • 02.09.2024 11:00 - 15:30, Pakollinen läsnäolo, aloitus: Vastaanottotyö, kotisairaanhoito ja prekliininen harjoittelu HY00EP44-3011
  • 09.09.2024 10:00 - 13:45, Vapaaehtoinen TP1: Vastaanottotyö, kotisairaanhoito ja prekliininen harjoittelu HY00EP44-3011
  • 18.09.2024 08:15 - 12:00, TP2, vapaaehtoinen: Vastaanottotyö, kotisairaanhoito ja prekliininen harjoittelu HY00EP44-3011
  • 25.09.2024 08:00 - 16:00, Pakollinen läsnäolo H1, lähipäivä 1: Vastaanottotyö, kotisairaanhoito ja prekliininen harjoittelu HY00EP44-3011
  • 27.09.2024 08:00 - 16:00, Pakollinen läsnäolo H1, lähipäivä 2: Vastaanottotyö, kotisairaanhoito ja prekliininen harjoittelu HY00EP44-3011


You can apply knowledge and recommendations in nursing reception work and homecare nursing.
You understand the importance of multiprofessional co-operation in holistic nursing.
You recognize the nursing process of the client and the basis of service counselling.
You understand the meaning of private and public services and the third sector in the parts of services.
You can use digital services and solutions in nursing reception work and homecare nursing.
You can assess the need for urgent care.
You can support the client in self-care and using digital services.
You master the basis of vaccination and you know the national vaccination program.
You know the infectious diseases against which vaccinations are carried out; their symptoms, complications, cure and prevention.


What is customer-respecting interaction in nursing reception work and homecare nursing?
How is the cultural background taken into account in meeting and interacting with patient?
What are the roles and responsibilities of social and health care professionals in reception work and homecare at different stages of the service chain?
What is the meaning of teamwork and multisectoral cooperation in reception work and homecare?
How do you apply knowledge and recommendations in nursing practices?
How do you counsel clients and their families in services?
What is centralized customer and service guidance?
What is a nursing and service plan?
How do you use digital services and solutions nursing reception work and homecare nursing?
How do you assess the need for urgent care?
How do you implement rehabilitation and health promoting nursing?
How do you implement vaccination appropriately and safely?
What vaccinations there are in national vaccination program?
How do you counsel client/patient concerning vaccination?
What are the infectious diseases against which vaccinations are carried out?


- Rokotusosaaminen: (Metropolian Moodle: Valtakunnallinen Rokotusosaamisen perusteet koulutuskokonaisuus).
- Muu opintojaksolla osoitettu materiaali

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

The importance of culture in nursing 1 credit: Individual studying, online studying.
Basics of vaccination 2 credits: Individual studying.
Nurse appointment work and homecare nursing 2 credits: Specialist lessons, individual studying, case learning, group work.
Preclinical training 1 credit: participating to the preclinical training days, 100 % presence is required.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Working life specialists lessons 3 hours.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Rokotusosaamisen verkkotentin voi uusia kaksi kertaa kevään 2024 aikana itse valittuna ajankohtana.
Kulttuurin, vastaanotto- ja kotisairaanhoitotyön tenttien tarkemmat tiedot Learn-alustalla.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

The importance of culture in nursing 1 credit = 27 hours
Basics of vaccination 2 credits = 54 hours
Nurse appointment work and homecare nursing 2 credits = 54 hours
Preclinical training 1 credit = 27 hours

Further information

The importance of culture in nursing 1 credit:
Basics of vaccination 2 credits:
Nurse appointment work and homecare nursing 2 credits:,

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The importance of culture in nursing 1 credit: pass/fail
Basics of vaccination 2 credits: pass/fail
Nurse appointment work and homecare nursing 2 credits: fail/1-5
Preclinical training 1 credit: participating to the preclinical training days, 100 % presence is required.


On suorittanut Hoitotyön ammatilliset perusteet opintokokonaisuuden ja Kliinisen hoitotyön perusharjoittelun. On suorittanut Terveyden edistämisen opintokokonaisuuden. On osallistunut Kliininen hoitotyö I opintokokonaisuuteen.