Financial accounting (5 cr)
Code: AV00EN10-3010
General information
04.03.2024 - 31.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Open UAS and Continuing education
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Open University of Applied Sciences
- Sanna Niemelä
Teacher in charge
Sanna Niemelä
AVLYX24KAvoin AMK, liiketalous ja Xentre
- 06.03.2024 17:00 - 17:45, Yrityksen talous AV00EN10-3010
- 26.03.2024 17:00 - 17:30, Yrityksen talous AV00EN10-3010
- 16.04.2024 17:00 - 17:30, Yrityksen talous AV00EN10-3010
You demonstrate that you are familiar with the basics of enterprise finances and financial accounting. You can record basic business transactions into bookkeeping and financial statements. You are able to analyze and interpret financial statements and ratios of a small enterprise. You are able to explain the basic principles of value added taxation and business taxation in different forms of business.
What is the role of financial accounting in business operations? How to apply the process of accounting cycle in small enterprises? How to analyze and interpret financial statements? What are the basic principles of value added taxation and business taxation? How to take into account the value added taxation in accounting cycle and reporting?
Learnissa oleva teoria- ja tehtävämateriaali.
Soile Tomperi (2023) Käytännön kirjanpito (tekstikirja) soveltavin osin.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Opintojaksoon kuuluu kaksi tenttiä.
Tentit ovat avoinna to 7.3.24 klo 9.00 - pe 31.5.24 klo 23.59
Further information
Opintojakso sisältyy Xamk Pulsen tarjontaan. Xamkin tutkinto-opiskelijat eivät voi ilmoittautua tälle toteutukselle.
Evaluation scale
Further information
Tämä on Xamkin avoimen AMK:n tarjontaan sisältyvä opintojakso.
Xamkin tutkinto-opiskelijat eivät voi ilmoittautua avoimen AMK:n opintojaksoille.