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Gerontological nursing and preclinical training (5 cr)

Code: HY00EP41-3029

General information


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


01.01.2025 - 27.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Health Care and Emergency Care


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care


  • Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen
  • Riitta Tenkanen-Salmela
  • Anu Muhonen
  • Haija Kankkunen
  • Sari Pölönen
  • Satu Sällilä


  • EHKT24SM
    Emergency Care, part-time studies
  • 14.04.2025 08:15 - 16:15, Ryhmä A, Gerontologinen hoitotyö ja prekliininen harjoittelu HY00EP41-3029
  • 15.04.2025 08:15 - 16:15, Ryhmä B: Gerontologinen hoitotyö ja prekliininen harjoittelu HY00EP41-3029


Gerontological nursing
You are able to apply knowledge about changes related to aging in your nursing.
You know the services and benefits of the elderly.
You know how to promote the health, ability to function and resources of an aging person utilizing nursing methods and medication.
You know the possibilities offered by gerotechnology.
You can put into practise safe medical treatment for an elderly person.
You understand the specifics of medication for the elderly:
You can apply information on memory disorders, treating people with memory disorders and the associated services.
You are able to apply evidence-based information to gerontological nursing.
You know how to identify, assess and manage acute situations.

Palliative nursing
You can recognise the need for palliative or terminal care of a patient.
You know the palliative care service system.
You can carry out nursing based on symptoms and humane palliative and terminal care.
You are able to put into practise humane palliative care.
You are able to apply evidence-based information in palliative care.
You know the palliative care of the patient with memory disorder.
You know how to support the patient with memory disorder and close ones.


Gerontological nursing
What are elderly care and geriatrics?
What are the changes related to aging and their effects on care?
How do you plan, carry out and assess safe medication?
How do you assess a person's ability to function and resources?
How do you apply evidence-based knowledge in promoted by functional capacity and rehabilitation?
How do you take into consideration the risk factors anticipating the weakening of the ability to function and the prevention of accidents?
How do you identify, assess and manage acute situations (NEWS)?
How do you carry out the assessment of a patient’s service needs?
How do you ensure the wellbeing of family carers and people taking care of their close ones?
Whar does gerotechnology bring to elderly care?
What are memory diseases and what is understood by medication of people with memory diseases?
How do you take into consideration the assessment of a person's nutritional status (malnutrition) and its significance in treating patients?
How do you apply evidence-based information in gerontological nursing?

Palliative nursing
What are palliative care and terminal care?
What is palliative service system?
What does nursing in palliative and terminal care include?
How do you apply evidence-based information in nursing palliative patients?
How do you implement palliative and terminal care for a memory patient?
How do you encounter and support a memory person and their loved ones in palliative care?


Gerontological Nursing:

Exam books:

1) Kelo, Sini, Launiemi, Helena, Takaluoma, Matleena & Tiittanen, Hannele. (ed.) 2015. An elderly person and nursing. Sanoma Pro Oy.
2) Tilvis, Reijo, Pitkälä, Kaisu., Strandberg, Timo, Sulkava, Raimo & Viitanen, Matti (eds.). 2016. Geriatria. Duodecim.

In addition to these, the material and lectures in Learn.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

This course of study consists of two sections: theory (4 ECTS) as a common implementation of campuses as online studies as well as preclinical practice (1.5 ECTS) carried out on a group basis on campus.

In the course info, you will get more detailed information about the course's method of performance, attendance obligation, study material, etc. Participation in INFO is strongly recommended that you know the essentials of doing the course from the very beginning. The info will also become a recording on the learning platform.

The theory section of the course (4 ECTS) consists of several sub-areas including recorded lectures, competence tests as well as the compiling Exam exam. In addition, the course includes passing the Hospice Passport and the RAI test.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

This course includes a preclinical component (1.5 ECTS credits). Participation in the contact teaching days of the preclinical section is mandatory (100% attendance requirement).

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Theory classes are in weeks 3-10.
EXAM exam in weeks 11-14. First re-exam: week 17 and second re-exam: week 20.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö


Opiskelijan työmäärä

5.5 cr = n.148.5 h

Further information

A prerequisite for participating in the course is that you have completed the Clinical Nursing Theory. If you have any questions about this, please send a message to the course teachers before enrolling.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course includes a numerically assessed exam in gerontological nursing.

Passing the hospice pass.
RAI data test passed.
Performing preclinical exercises successfully.


Professional basics in nursing 29 ECTS credits