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Water supply and treatment processes (5 cr)

Code: YT00AF55-3014

General information


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


01.01.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Forestry and Environmental Technology


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Environmental Technology


  • Hannu Poutiainen
  • Riikka Kuosmanen

Teacher in charge

Hannu Poutiainen


  • YTMI23KP
    Environmental Technology, full-time studies


You know the unit operations of producing drinking water and different raw water sources.
You know the different methods of supplying drinking water and treating wastewater in rural areas and can choose appropriate methods in different cases.
You can analyse the key properties of clean water and wastewater.


Which parameters affect the quality of water?
How is raw water acquired and processed into drinking water?
How is wastewater treated, and the proper operation of the treatment system guaranteed?
How is water supply and sanitation best organized in rural areas?
What benefits are gained through the modelling of wastewater treatment?


Materials on the Learn platform

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

The course can be included in the schedule as part of an individual learning path.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Getting to know research through Xamk projects

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Exam in the middle of the course. Laboratory reports at the end of the course.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

135 hours. However, the amount of work depends on your study skills and previous knowledge.

Further information

The evaluation is done in relation to the competence goals and evaluation criteria of the course. Completion of the course includes the approved completion of all learning assignments.

Evaluation scale
