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Study and workplace skills (5 cr)

Code: XY00EX56-3032

General information


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


01.01.2025 - 30.04.2028

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Information Technology


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 45

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Game Technology


  • Jani Ahde


  • GTKT25KP
    Game technologies, full-time studies


You can act responsibly as a student and as a member of the university community.

You can set your learning goals, plan your study and career path, monitor your progress, and assess your own learning.

You can enhance your employability and skills for working life and act entrepreneurially in the professional world.

You can adhere to the ethical principles of your field and market your own skills to the job market.


What kind of a learning community is Xamk, and what are the study networks at Xamk like?
How do you build your own study and career plan?
How do you identify your own skills and enhance your employability?
What is your professional field like, and what are the professional ethics in your field?
How do you market your skills and strengthen your job search skills?
How do you advance your continuous learning?

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The course ends at the time indicated in the implementation schedule, by which time the student has returned the required assignments, completed any exams and met all other requirements for the approved completion of the course.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

The course is carried out during the studies starting from orientation and supporting the acquisition of knowledge throughout the studies.


The course takes place during the first, second and third academic year. The course is completed in accordance with the progress of other studies.

Contact studies according to the work schedule.

Independent studies (Learn, Peppi, and answering course and quality surveys).

Seminars related to working life.

Events organized by tutors.

Professional ethical actions.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Qualitative assessment, student's self- and peer assessment.
Participation in seminars.
Completion of learning tasks.
Passing the competency assessment.