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Professional English (5 cr)

Code: KY00DS47-3300

General information


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Yhteisten opintojen koulutusyksikkö


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages

  • English
  • Finnish


  • Tarmo Ahvenainen


  • NAKT24SP
    Naprapathy, full-time studies


You are able to actively use the basic professional vocabulary of your field.
You are able to look for information in English in professional sources and apply it in different study and work related communication situations.
You are able to communicate in English in various spoken and written situations in your professional field at the European level B2.


What professional vocabulary is essential in your professional field?
How to look for information in professional sources in English and how to apply this information?
How to interact in spoken communication situations in English and how to draw up texts in English for professional purposes?
How to communicate in study-related situations and work communities in English?


Materials are to be provided in Learn.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

The course is conducted entirely on campus according to the schedule. Remote participation is not possible. Instruction is not recorded.

Contact lessons consists of regular lessons, seminars (where you must present in two out of four seminars), and workshop sessions where you can work on independent tasks with the teacher’s assistance available. Attendance is not mandatory (except for two seminars and the exam), but participation is highly recommended.

Additionally, there are independent tasks and a group assignment.

Completing the course requires two seminar presentations, compulsory OB-task submissions accepted with a passing grade, and acceptable completion of four numerically assessed components.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

It is possible your work experience in the course presentation.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

In the final in-person session of the course, a written exam and a Learn exam will be conducted.

Seminar times will be announced in the course schedule, which will be available on Learn.

The course ends at the time specified in the implementation details, by which the student must have submitted the required tasks and completed both exams, all these with a passing grade.

At the beginning of the course, two retake periods will be announced, during which failed tasks can be retaken.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 credits equals 135 hours of student work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Ability to communicate in English orally and in writing in various situations in the professional field mainly at the European (CEFR) level B1.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Ability to communicate in English orally and in writing in various situations in the professional field mainly at the European (CEFR) level B2.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Ability to communicate in English orally and in writing in various situations in the professional field mainly at the European (CEFR) level C1.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course grade is based on four numerically assessed components, each carrying equal weight in the course grade.:
- Oral presentation
- Report or oral group simulation, according to your choice
- Written exam without aids
- Learn exam


If you have been instructed to participate in the Intensive course in English, you must complete it or independently acquire the equivalent knowledge and skills before you can participate in this course.