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Fibre and paper chemistry (5 cr)

Code: BI00CX93-3009

General information


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Electrical Engineering, Building Services and Material Technology


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages

  • English
  • Finnish


20 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Bioproduct Technology


  • Petteri Paananen


  • BISA23SP
    Bioproduct Technology, full-time studies
  • 15.01.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 16.01.2025 12:15 - 13:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 22.01.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 23.01.2025 12:15 - 13:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 29.01.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 30.01.2025 12:15 - 13:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 04.02.2025 14:00 - 15:30, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 05.02.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 12.02.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 13.02.2025 08:15 - 12:15, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 19.02.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 20.02.2025 08:15 - 12:15, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 04.03.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 11.03.2025 14:00 - 15:30, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 12.03.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 19.03.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 26.03.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 02.04.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 09.04.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 16.04.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 23.04.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009
  • 30.04.2025 08:15 - 09:45, Fibre and paper chemistry BI00CX93-3009


You know the chemistry involved in the production of sulphate pulp and the related analysis methods.
You recognize the most essential quantities and chemical phenomena and the meaning of these in paper making chemistry and its management.
You recognize the most common fillers and additives used in paper making and the effect and meaning of these for the end product and runability of paper machines as well as for the equipment and the stock and water systems.
You recognize the theories and techniques of mixing the additives.
You recognize the retention mechanisms and the most often used retention chemicals and systems in paper machines.
You understand the effect of water circulation systems on colloidal substances and the means to minimize the effect of non-retain chemicals and colloidals.


What are the cooking chemicals and their reactions in the sulphate cellulose process?
How are the properties of cooking chemicals measured?
How are the properties of produced cellulose determined?
What are the most important quantities in paper machine chemistry?
What kind of fillers and additives are used?
What properties do the additives and fillers bring to the end product and what is their role related to the runability of paper machines?
How is good mixing of fillers and additives ensured?
What is retention?
Which factors influence mechanical, filler and total retention?


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Työhön integroidussa väylässä
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• onko työhön integroitu oppimisväylä omassa työtehtävässäsi mahdollinen.
• millaisia näyttöjä osaamisestasi sinun on mahdollista antaa.
• mitä opintojakson osia sinun tulee mahdollisesti lisäksi suorittaa opetukseen osallistuen.

Opintoja nopeuttavana vaihtoehtona
- voit esimerkiksi ilmoittautua aikaisemmin opintonsa aloittaneelle ryhmälle tarjottavalle vastaavalle toteutukselle.
Opintoja nopeuttavassa väylässä

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Toteutussuunnitelmia tehtäessä työelämäyhteistyö on vahvistamatonta, mutta suunnitelmissa toteuttaa.

Kurssilla pyritään toteuttamaan kampuksen ulkopuolinen excursio ja/tai vierailija.

Evaluation scale
