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Game design research and sketching (5 cr)

Code: GD00CU07-3014

General information


08.04.2025 - 21.04.2025


01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Department of Culture


Kouvola Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 21

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Game Design


  • GD opettaja
  • Mikko Lehto
  • Suvi Pylvänen


  • GDKV24SP
    Game design, full-time studies


You learn the role of sketching in a design process.
You learn how to visualise your ideas.
You learn to create variations and explain design concepts and functionalities.
You learn to study form, volume, shape and proportions.
You learn to do sketches and variations.
You learn to create reports and presentations.
You are able to examine current, historical, biological and geological reference materials for costume, architecture, terrain and technology concept development.


How to create quick sketches of given topics?
How to sketch vehicles, buildings and other objects?
How to study reference material?
How to visualise your ideas?
How to sketch from reference material?
How to create sketches by observing objects?
How to use sketching to explain functionalities?
How to use reference material as a basis of your written documentations?
How to present your ideas with sketches and written documents?


Lectures, videos, links and tutorials on Learn.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Learning route based on a working week

You will attend teaching and guidance sessions as specified in the schedule. Your study routine is determined by the scheduled group sessions and by the self-study assignments.
Learning route that accelerates the studies

If you have acquired prior learning in the subject (fully/partially), contact the teacher in charge prior to the course to discuss whether you have the competence required and what are the methods of demonstrating that competence.

If you are unable to attend all the classes due to other courses, you are required to complete the learning assignments independently.

Work-based learning route

You need to contact the course teacher prior to the course to agree on development assignments that you will perform at your workplace. You are required to prove your learning both in theory and practice by giving a presentation at Game Design show and tell day.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

The students are working on their own game projects.
RDI will be integrated where possible.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Exams and Deadlines
– In order to benefit from the dedicated feedback sessions, students must have at least partially completed the assignments on review at that time.
– If a student misses the deadline for an assignment feedback session, no assurance of feedback at a later date can be given.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

In class, students will receive feedback and deepen their expertise. The assignments are mainly based on group work

Further information

Students complete assignments independently with the help of instructions. In class, a student will receive feedback and deepen their expertise.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment Methods:
Collaborative Learning outcomes (Group works)
Peer review and self-evaluation
Register of Attendance
Adherence to schedules and deadlines
Activity Checklists
Performance Rating scale for classroom and homework assignments