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Entrepreneurship sparring for master studentsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: BY2530026


5 op


- you find an appropriate way to begin as an entrepreneur, be it acquiring a company, succession in a family company, or establishing a new company
- you know how to set up a business enterprise
- you can lead yourself and your new venture or company in its early stages


How to develop oneself as an entrepreneur and start up a new venture or a company?
Content is adjusted to the needs of the student as they relate to his/her entrepreneurial intentions, for example: How to recognize opportunities for new business? How to establish a company? How to network? How to market? How to manage profitability, financing, service and product development? How to lead a new venture? how to prepare for acquisitions and succession planning in SME context? How to understanding and prepare for risks related to business operations?

Further information

Online course eCampus, contact sessions (one-on-one or in a regional team) may be arranged according to participants' needs


14.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 19.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

1 - 50

  • Maarit Vahvanen
Teacher in charge

Maarit Vahvanen

  • Master_eKampus
    Master-opinnot, eKampus


- you find an appropriate way to begin as an entrepreneur, be it acquiring a company, succession in a family company, or establishing a new company
- you know how to set up a business enterprise
- you can lead yourself and your new venture or company in its early stages


How to develop oneself as an entrepreneur and start up a new venture or a company?
Content is adjusted to the needs of the student as they relate to his/her entrepreneurial intentions, for example: How to recognize opportunities for new business? How to establish a company? How to network? How to market? How to manage profitability, financing, service and product development? How to lead a new venture? how to prepare for acquisitions and succession planning in SME context? How to understanding and prepare for risks related to business operations?

Evaluation scale


Further information

Online course eCampus, contact sessions (one-on-one or in a regional team) may be arranged according to participants' needs


04.08.2023 - 03.09.2023


04.09.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

1 - 50

  • Maarit Vahvanen
Teacher in charge

Nina Hartikainen

  • Master_eKampus
    Master-opinnot, eKampus


- you find an appropriate way to begin as an entrepreneur, be it acquiring a company, succession in a family company, or establishing a new company
- you know how to set up a business enterprise
- you can lead yourself and your new venture or company in its early stages


How to develop oneself as an entrepreneur and start up a new venture or a company?
Content is adjusted to the needs of the student as they relate to his/her entrepreneurial intentions, for example: How to recognize opportunities for new business? How to establish a company? How to network? How to market? How to manage profitability, financing, service and product development? How to lead a new venture? how to prepare for acquisitions and succession planning in SME context? How to understanding and prepare for risks related to business operations?

Evaluation scale


Further information

Online course eCampus, contact sessions (one-on-one or in a regional team) may be arranged according to participants' needs


03.01.2022 - 23.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 30.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Liiketalouden koulutusyksikkö, Mikkeli (vanhennettu)



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

  • Marja-Liisa Neuvonen-Rauhala
Teacher in charge

Marja-Liisa Neuvonen-Rauhala

  • Master_eKampus
    Master-opinnot, eKampus


- you find an appropriate way to begin as an entrepreneur, be it acquiring a company, succession in a family company, or establishing a new company
- you know how to set up a business enterprise
- you can lead yourself and your new venture or company in its early stages


How to develop oneself as an entrepreneur and start up a new venture or a company?
Content is adjusted to the needs of the student as they relate to his/her entrepreneurial intentions, for example: How to recognize opportunities for new business? How to establish a company? How to network? How to market? How to manage profitability, financing, service and product development? How to lead a new venture? how to prepare for acquisitions and succession planning in SME context? How to understanding and prepare for risks related to business operations?


You choose literature, webpages and videos according to your interests and needs to help you to plan your own entrepreneuship path.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Voit suorittaa opintojakson oman aikataulun mukaan annettujen määräaikojen puitteissa.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö


Tentit ja muut määräajat


Opiskelijan työmäärä

133 h

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

Opintojakso suoritetaan verkko-opintoina tekemällä annetut omaan yrittäjyyspolun rakentamiseen kytkeytyvät tehtävät aikataulussa. Tehtävät muodostavat prosessin ja siksi on tärkeää tehdä ne ajallaan tehtäväksi annon mukaisesti.

Oma esittäytyminen ja yrittäjyysaikomukset
Yrittäjän huoneentaulu ja vertaiskeskustelu
Yrittäjyyspolun etenemissuunnitelma

Evaluation scale


Further information

Online course eCampus, contact sessions (one-on-one or in a regional team) may be arranged according to participants' needs