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Finnish 2Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: VV00EY60


5 op


You can use the languages you know and the Finnish-speaking environment in support of your Finnish language studies.

You can express yourself in Finnish at A1.1.-A1.2 level in the most common everyday situations, both orally and in writing.

You can recognise and use a wide range of Finnish language structures.

You can make use of the Finnish-speaking environment to improve your language skills and use different sources to support your learning.

You are familiar with Finnish culture.

You can ethically use ICT in your studies.


How does Finnish compare to other languages you know?

What are the special characteristics of the Finnish language?

How is Finnish pronounced and written?

How do you introduce yourself and communicate in everyday situations?

How do you make use of the Finnish-speaking environment in learning the language?

What vocabulary, phrases and structures do you need in everyday situations?

What kind of language and cultural knowledge do you need in basic language studies?

What sources and tools can you use in your basic Finnish language studies during the course and independently?

How can you use technology and tools in your language studies in an ethical way?

How do you set yourself goals in Finnish language learning and how do you reflect on your learning?