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Organic chemistryLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YT00FF14


5 op


You know the basic structures and functional groups of organic compounds and know their main properties.

You know the principles of systematic naming of organic compounds.

You know the structures of the most important macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and you understand their importance in the environment.

You are able to apply basic knowledge of chemistry to environmental phenomena.

You know the main working methods of safe laboratory work in organic chemistry.

You can write a structured laboratory report.


How are the basic structures and compounds of organic chemistry identified and named?

What are the properties and reactions of the main functional groups and macromolecules?

What is the role of organic compounds in the environment?

What are the applications of organic chemistry?

What are the principles and the basic practices of safe laboratory work in organic chemistry?


Basic knowledge of chemical theory, the safe laboratory practice, and the common laboratory techniques are required (Laboratory skills and safety, Engineering chemistry or comparable competence).