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Environmental samplingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: WT00FJ01


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


Understand the principles of environmental sampling and representative sampling.
Learn to use various sampling tools and handle collected samples.
Understand the importance of occupational safety and potential health risks in environmental sampling.
Become familiar with norms and guidelines related to environmental sampling.
Recognize the importance of quality assurance and documentation in the sampling process.


What kinds of observations are made during sampling?
What are the norms that guide air, soil and water sampling?
What must be taken into account in the sampling design?
How to ensure the quality of sampling?
What information needs to be documented?
What kind of instruments are used in air, water and soil sampling?
How are samples handled between sampling and analysis?
What does the occupational safety and health of sampling involve?
9. How to act in sampling sites?