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Geographical information systems (GIS)Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: WT00FJ11


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


Understand Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) and how they are used in environmental monitoring and research.
Develop skills to use GIS software to create and interpret digital maps.
Learn how to collect spatial data and manage this data within GIS.
Learn how to make information queries to environmental data archives and analyze this data in meaningful ways.


What is geographical information like?
What are GIS, RS and global positioning systems (GPS or GNSS)?
What are the principles, applications and trends of geographic information systems and sciences?
How to analyse and visualize spatial and temporal data?
How to make digital maps, data conversions, geo databases, data queries and data extraction?
How to collect spatial data?
How can GIS, RS and GPS/GNSS be used in environmental monitoring?