Clinical training 1Laajuus (25 cr)
Code: HT00DT93
25 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Preclinical training 5 cr and Clinical training 25 cr
You can utilize evidence-based information in different operational environments of the nursing process.
You master the key treatments and diagnostic examinations in clinical nursing as part of the patient’s total care.
You are able to apply your knowledge of nursing different patient groups (patients with internal diseases, surgical patients, gerontology patients, patients of substance abuse or mental health).
You understand the special features of treatment paths and nursing of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You master the evaluation of nursing need, nursing methods and the nursing assessment of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You know how to assess the need for urgent care of a patient.
You can systematically evaluate the need for care and act in situations that require urgent care.
You understand the duties and responsibility of a nurse in nursing the above-mentioned patients.
You know the principles of nursing promoting rehabilitation and can act accordingly.
You can choose a safe way to assist and the right tools accorind to the patient’s ability to function.
You can activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving.
Nursing in medical wards:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in nursing in medical wards?
What are the most common methods, procedures and diagnostic examinations in nursing in medical wards?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of patients with internal diseases?
What are the special features of nursing in medical wards?
How do you carry ou tnursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving?
Gerontology nursing:
How do utilize the evidence-based information in gerontology and palliative nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of an elderly patient?
What are the special features of gerontology nursing?
What are the special features of nursing a patient with a memory disorder?
How do you evaluate the nursing need of an urgent patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her resources in moving?
Nursing in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of a mental health and substance abuse patient?
What are the special features of nursing in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis?
How do you form an interactive nursing relationship with a mental health and substance abuse patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation?
Surgical and perioperative nursing:
How do you utilize the evidence-based information in surgical and periopeartive nursing?
What are the most common ways to assist a patient in surgical and perioperative nursing?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a surgical patient?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a perioperative patient?
How do you carry out the safe nursing of a surgical and perioperative patient at the pre-, intra-, and postoperative stages?
How do you prevent, recognize and treat complications in surgical and perioperative nursing?
Professional basics in nursing and Clinical nursing I
06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022
10.10.2022 - 28.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
25 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Maria Ajanto
- Leila Sikanen
- Salla Rinne
- Minna Humaloja
- Riitta Riikonen
- Pirjo Oikarinen
- Haija Kankkunen
- Minja Lintunen
- Anne Ulmanen
- Teea Lång
- Emma Mikkonen
- Miia Myllymäki
- Alina Jurvanen
- Anetta Liinaharja
- Tuula Tarhonen
- Susanna Suvimaa
SHMI21SPNursing, full-time studies
Preclinical training 5 cr and Clinical training 25 cr
You can utilize evidence-based information in different operational environments of the nursing process.
You master the key treatments and diagnostic examinations in clinical nursing as part of the patient’s total care.
You are able to apply your knowledge of nursing different patient groups (patients with internal diseases, surgical patients, gerontology patients, patients of substance abuse or mental health).
You understand the special features of treatment paths and nursing of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You master the evaluation of nursing need, nursing methods and the nursing assessment of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You know how to assess the need for urgent care of a patient.
You can systematically evaluate the need for care and act in situations that require urgent care.
You understand the duties and responsibility of a nurse in nursing the above-mentioned patients.
You know the principles of nursing promoting rehabilitation and can act accordingly.
You can choose a safe way to assist and the right tools accorind to the patient’s ability to function.
You can activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving.
Nursing in medical wards:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in nursing in medical wards?
What are the most common methods, procedures and diagnostic examinations in nursing in medical wards?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of patients with internal diseases?
What are the special features of nursing in medical wards?
How do you carry ou tnursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving?
Gerontology nursing:
How do utilize the evidence-based information in gerontology and palliative nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of an elderly patient?
What are the special features of gerontology nursing?
What are the special features of nursing a patient with a memory disorder?
How do you evaluate the nursing need of an urgent patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her resources in moving?
Nursing in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of a mental health and substance abuse patient?
What are the special features of nursing in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis?
How do you form an interactive nursing relationship with a mental health and substance abuse patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation?
Surgical and perioperative nursing:
How do you utilize the evidence-based information in surgical and periopeartive nursing?
What are the most common ways to assist a patient in surgical and perioperative nursing?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a surgical patient?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a perioperative patient?
How do you carry out the safe nursing of a surgical and perioperative patient at the pre-, intra-, and postoperative stages?
How do you prevent, recognize and treat complications in surgical and perioperative nursing?
Näyttöön perustuvaan tietoon perehtyminen.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Kokonaisuus rakentuu:
- sisätautien (5vko) ja mielenterveys- päihdetyön harjoitteluista (5vko) 15op
- kirurgian (4vko) ja gerontologian harjoitteluista (4vko) 10 op
Opiskelija on varannut Jobiilista ajan, jolloin hän suorittaa harjoittelun käytännön kentällä. Ennen harjoitteluja opiskelijan tulee osallistua kyseisen harjoittelun harjoitteluinfoon, joka on merkitty lukujärjestykseen.
Työviikkopohjainen oppimisväylä:
Harjoittelu tapahtuu erilaisissa toimintaympäristöissä. Harjoittelupaikka varataan edellisellä lukukaudella jobiilin kautta.
Harjoittelun ohjaajia harjoittelupaikassa on 1-2, joiden työvuorot määrittävät sinun työvuorosi.
Muistathan käyttää työvuoroja laatiessasi Xamkin uudistettua työvuorotaulukkoa.
Ammattikorkeakoulu on määrittänyt sinulle ohjaavan opettajan, jonka tulee olla tietoinen harjoittelustasi.
Opintoja nopeuttava oppimisväylä:
Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä:
Ahot menettely mahdollinen.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Tämä opintojakso toteutuu kokonaan harjoittelussa.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Mipän harjoitteluun kuuluu seminaaripäivä, joka ilmoitetaan Learnissa omalla alustalla.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Kansainvälinen vaihto mahdollinen. Sovittava kansainvälisyyskoordinaattoreiden kanssa esim. Riitta Kuismin ja Minna Hämäläinen.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
1 harjoitteluviikko = 40h, josta saa vähentää 2h/viikko tehtävien/tavoitteiden/arviointien tekoon.
Further information
Lisätietoa harjoitteluiden suorittamiseen löydät Learnin Hoitotyön harjoittelu- alustalta (ei vaadi kurssiavainta).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Harjoittelut arvioidaan harjoittelun arvointikriteerien perusteella hyväksytty/hylätty. Lisätietoa arviointikriteereistä löydät Learnin Hoitotyön harjoittelu- alustalta.
Professional basics in nursing and Clinical nursing I
06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022
29.08.2022 - 10.02.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
25 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Health Care and Emergency Care
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Terhi Hede
- Anne Kylmälä
- Sari Virkki
- Mari Penttilä
- Tiina Haanperä
- Linda Metsälä
- Anna-Maija Uusoksa
Teacher in charge
Linda Metsälä
SHKT21SM2Nursing, part-time studies
Preclinical training 5 cr and Clinical training 25 cr
You can utilize evidence-based information in different operational environments of the nursing process.
You master the key treatments and diagnostic examinations in clinical nursing as part of the patient’s total care.
You are able to apply your knowledge of nursing different patient groups (patients with internal diseases, surgical patients, gerontology patients, patients of substance abuse or mental health).
You understand the special features of treatment paths and nursing of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You master the evaluation of nursing need, nursing methods and the nursing assessment of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You know how to assess the need for urgent care of a patient.
You can systematically evaluate the need for care and act in situations that require urgent care.
You understand the duties and responsibility of a nurse in nursing the above-mentioned patients.
You know the principles of nursing promoting rehabilitation and can act accordingly.
You can choose a safe way to assist and the right tools accorind to the patient’s ability to function.
You can activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving.
Nursing in medical wards:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in nursing in medical wards?
What are the most common methods, procedures and diagnostic examinations in nursing in medical wards?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of patients with internal diseases?
What are the special features of nursing in medical wards?
How do you carry ou tnursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving?
Gerontology nursing:
How do utilize the evidence-based information in gerontology and palliative nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of an elderly patient?
What are the special features of gerontology nursing?
What are the special features of nursing a patient with a memory disorder?
How do you evaluate the nursing need of an urgent patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her resources in moving?
Nursing in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of a mental health and substance abuse patient?
What are the special features of nursing in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis?
How do you form an interactive nursing relationship with a mental health and substance abuse patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation?
Surgical and perioperative nursing:
How do you utilize the evidence-based information in surgical and periopeartive nursing?
What are the most common ways to assist a patient in surgical and perioperative nursing?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a surgical patient?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a perioperative patient?
How do you carry out the safe nursing of a surgical and perioperative patient at the pre-, intra-, and postoperative stages?
How do you prevent, recognize and treat complications in surgical and perioperative nursing?
Evaluation scale
Professional basics in nursing and Clinical nursing I
06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022
29.08.2022 - 26.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
25 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Health Care and Emergency Care
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Terhi Hede
- Tia Kallio
- Jarno Hämäläinen
- Anne Kylmälä
- Mari Penttilä
- Sanna Valliaro
- Linda Metsälä
- Anna-Maija Uusoksa
Teacher in charge
Anne Kylmälä
EHKT21SMParamedic, part-time studies
Preclinical training 5 cr and Clinical training 25 cr
You can utilize evidence-based information in different operational environments of the nursing process.
You master the key treatments and diagnostic examinations in clinical nursing as part of the patient’s total care.
You are able to apply your knowledge of nursing different patient groups (patients with internal diseases, surgical patients, gerontology patients, patients of substance abuse or mental health).
You understand the special features of treatment paths and nursing of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You master the evaluation of nursing need, nursing methods and the nursing assessment of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You know how to assess the need for urgent care of a patient.
You can systematically evaluate the need for care and act in situations that require urgent care.
You understand the duties and responsibility of a nurse in nursing the above-mentioned patients.
You know the principles of nursing promoting rehabilitation and can act accordingly.
You can choose a safe way to assist and the right tools accorind to the patient’s ability to function.
You can activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving.
Nursing in medical wards:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in nursing in medical wards?
What are the most common methods, procedures and diagnostic examinations in nursing in medical wards?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of patients with internal diseases?
What are the special features of nursing in medical wards?
How do you carry ou tnursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving?
Gerontology nursing:
How do utilize the evidence-based information in gerontology and palliative nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of an elderly patient?
What are the special features of gerontology nursing?
What are the special features of nursing a patient with a memory disorder?
How do you evaluate the nursing need of an urgent patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her resources in moving?
Nursing in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of a mental health and substance abuse patient?
What are the special features of nursing in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis?
How do you form an interactive nursing relationship with a mental health and substance abuse patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation?
Surgical and perioperative nursing:
How do you utilize the evidence-based information in surgical and periopeartive nursing?
What are the most common ways to assist a patient in surgical and perioperative nursing?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a surgical patient?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a perioperative patient?
How do you carry out the safe nursing of a surgical and perioperative patient at the pre-, intra-, and postoperative stages?
How do you prevent, recognize and treat complications in surgical and perioperative nursing?
Evaluation scale
Professional basics in nursing and Clinical nursing I
06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022
01.08.2022 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
25 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Savonlinna Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Tuulia Litmanen
- Anu Muhonen
- Sari Pölönen
- Marko Issakainen
- Niina Luukkonen
- Jaana Dillström
- Pirjo Heimo
Teacher in charge
Jaana Dillström
SHSA21SPNursing, fulltime studies
Preclinical training 5 cr and Clinical training 25 cr
You can utilize evidence-based information in different operational environments of the nursing process.
You master the key treatments and diagnostic examinations in clinical nursing as part of the patient’s total care.
You are able to apply your knowledge of nursing different patient groups (patients with internal diseases, surgical patients, gerontology patients, patients of substance abuse or mental health).
You understand the special features of treatment paths and nursing of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You master the evaluation of nursing need, nursing methods and the nursing assessment of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You know how to assess the need for urgent care of a patient.
You can systematically evaluate the need for care and act in situations that require urgent care.
You understand the duties and responsibility of a nurse in nursing the above-mentioned patients.
You know the principles of nursing promoting rehabilitation and can act accordingly.
You can choose a safe way to assist and the right tools accorind to the patient’s ability to function.
You can activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving.
Nursing in medical wards:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in nursing in medical wards?
What are the most common methods, procedures and diagnostic examinations in nursing in medical wards?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of patients with internal diseases?
What are the special features of nursing in medical wards?
How do you carry ou tnursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving?
Gerontology nursing:
How do utilize the evidence-based information in gerontology and palliative nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of an elderly patient?
What are the special features of gerontology nursing?
What are the special features of nursing a patient with a memory disorder?
How do you evaluate the nursing need of an urgent patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her resources in moving?
Nursing in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of a mental health and substance abuse patient?
What are the special features of nursing in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis?
How do you form an interactive nursing relationship with a mental health and substance abuse patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation?
Surgical and perioperative nursing:
How do you utilize the evidence-based information in surgical and periopeartive nursing?
What are the most common ways to assist a patient in surgical and perioperative nursing?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a surgical patient?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a perioperative patient?
How do you carry out the safe nursing of a surgical and perioperative patient at the pre-, intra-, and postoperative stages?
How do you prevent, recognize and treat complications in surgical and perioperative nursing?
Evaluation scale
Professional basics in nursing and Clinical nursing I
06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022
01.08.2022 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
25 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Savonlinna Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Tuulia Litmanen
- Niina Luukkonen
- Sari Pölönen
- Pirjo Heimo
Teacher in charge
Pirjo Heimo
SHSA21SMNursing, part-time studies
Preclinical training 5 cr and Clinical training 25 cr
You can utilize evidence-based information in different operational environments of the nursing process.
You master the key treatments and diagnostic examinations in clinical nursing as part of the patient’s total care.
You are able to apply your knowledge of nursing different patient groups (patients with internal diseases, surgical patients, gerontology patients, patients of substance abuse or mental health).
You understand the special features of treatment paths and nursing of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You master the evaluation of nursing need, nursing methods and the nursing assessment of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You know how to assess the need for urgent care of a patient.
You can systematically evaluate the need for care and act in situations that require urgent care.
You understand the duties and responsibility of a nurse in nursing the above-mentioned patients.
You know the principles of nursing promoting rehabilitation and can act accordingly.
You can choose a safe way to assist and the right tools accorind to the patient’s ability to function.
You can activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving.
Nursing in medical wards:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in nursing in medical wards?
What are the most common methods, procedures and diagnostic examinations in nursing in medical wards?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of patients with internal diseases?
What are the special features of nursing in medical wards?
How do you carry ou tnursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving?
Gerontology nursing:
How do utilize the evidence-based information in gerontology and palliative nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of an elderly patient?
What are the special features of gerontology nursing?
What are the special features of nursing a patient with a memory disorder?
How do you evaluate the nursing need of an urgent patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her resources in moving?
Nursing in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of a mental health and substance abuse patient?
What are the special features of nursing in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis?
How do you form an interactive nursing relationship with a mental health and substance abuse patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation?
Surgical and perioperative nursing:
How do you utilize the evidence-based information in surgical and periopeartive nursing?
What are the most common ways to assist a patient in surgical and perioperative nursing?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a surgical patient?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a perioperative patient?
How do you carry out the safe nursing of a surgical and perioperative patient at the pre-, intra-, and postoperative stages?
How do you prevent, recognize and treat complications in surgical and perioperative nursing?
Evaluation scale
Professional basics in nursing and Clinical nursing I
08.11.2021 - 21.11.2021
21.03.2022 - 26.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
25 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Health Care and Emergency Care
Kouvola Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Health Care
- Pauliina Lehto
- Anne Kylmälä
- Tiina Haanperä
- Mari Penttilä
- Linda Metsälä
- Aki Viipuri
- Anna-Maija Uusoksa
Teacher in charge
Pauliina Lehto
THKV21SPHealth care, full-time studies
Preclinical training 5 cr and Clinical training 25 cr
You can utilize evidence-based information in different operational environments of the nursing process.
You master the key treatments and diagnostic examinations in clinical nursing as part of the patient’s total care.
You are able to apply your knowledge of nursing different patient groups (patients with internal diseases, surgical patients, gerontology patients, patients of substance abuse or mental health).
You understand the special features of treatment paths and nursing of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You master the evaluation of nursing need, nursing methods and the nursing assessment of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You know how to assess the need for urgent care of a patient.
You can systematically evaluate the need for care and act in situations that require urgent care.
You understand the duties and responsibility of a nurse in nursing the above-mentioned patients.
You know the principles of nursing promoting rehabilitation and can act accordingly.
You can choose a safe way to assist and the right tools accorind to the patient’s ability to function.
You can activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving.
Nursing in medical wards:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in nursing in medical wards?
What are the most common methods, procedures and diagnostic examinations in nursing in medical wards?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of patients with internal diseases?
What are the special features of nursing in medical wards?
How do you carry ou tnursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving?
Gerontology nursing:
How do utilize the evidence-based information in gerontology and palliative nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of an elderly patient?
What are the special features of gerontology nursing?
What are the special features of nursing a patient with a memory disorder?
How do you evaluate the nursing need of an urgent patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her resources in moving?
Nursing in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of a mental health and substance abuse patient?
What are the special features of nursing in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis?
How do you form an interactive nursing relationship with a mental health and substance abuse patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation?
Surgical and perioperative nursing:
How do you utilize the evidence-based information in surgical and periopeartive nursing?
What are the most common ways to assist a patient in surgical and perioperative nursing?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a surgical patient?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a perioperative patient?
How do you carry out the safe nursing of a surgical and perioperative patient at the pre-, intra-, and postoperative stages?
How do you prevent, recognize and treat complications in surgical and perioperative nursing?
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Kliininen harjoittelu 1 (25 op) sisältää sisätautien hoitotyön, gerontologisen hoitotyön, kirurgisen ja perioperatiivisen hoitotyön sekä mielenterveys-, päihde- ja kriisihoitotyön harjoittelut. Harjoittelut toteutuvat annettujen ohjeiden mukaisesti varatussa oppimisympäristössä.
Further information
Lisätietoa kunkin harjoittelun ohjaavalta opettajalta.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Terveydenhuollon yksikössä tapahtuva harjoittelu, jossa arviointi koostuu opiskelijan itsearvioinnista ja harjoittelun ohjaajan arvioinnista. Ohjaava opettaja vahvistaa arvioinnin.
Professional basics in nursing and Clinical nursing I
08.11.2021 - 21.11.2021
01.01.2022 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
25 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Savonlinna Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Tuulia Litmanen
- Sari Pölönen
- Marko Issakainen
- Niina Luukkonen
- Pirjo Heimo
Teacher in charge
Jaana Dillström
SHSA21KPNursing, fulltime studies
Preclinical training 5 cr and Clinical training 25 cr
You can utilize evidence-based information in different operational environments of the nursing process.
You master the key treatments and diagnostic examinations in clinical nursing as part of the patient’s total care.
You are able to apply your knowledge of nursing different patient groups (patients with internal diseases, surgical patients, gerontology patients, patients of substance abuse or mental health).
You understand the special features of treatment paths and nursing of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You master the evaluation of nursing need, nursing methods and the nursing assessment of the above-mentioned patient groups.
You know how to assess the need for urgent care of a patient.
You can systematically evaluate the need for care and act in situations that require urgent care.
You understand the duties and responsibility of a nurse in nursing the above-mentioned patients.
You know the principles of nursing promoting rehabilitation and can act accordingly.
You can choose a safe way to assist and the right tools accorind to the patient’s ability to function.
You can activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving.
Nursing in medical wards:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in nursing in medical wards?
What are the most common methods, procedures and diagnostic examinations in nursing in medical wards?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of patients with internal diseases?
What are the special features of nursing in medical wards?
How do you carry ou tnursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her own resources in moving?
Gerontology nursing:
How do utilize the evidence-based information in gerontology and palliative nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of an elderly patient?
What are the special features of gerontology nursing?
What are the special features of nursing a patient with a memory disorder?
How do you evaluate the nursing need of an urgent patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation and choose a safe way to assist and the tools?
How do you activate and motivate a patient to utilize his/her resources in moving?
Nursing in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis:
How do you utilize evidence-based information in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis nursing?
How do you plan, carry out and evaluate the safe medicinal and non-medicinal nursing of a mental health and substance abuse patient?
What are the special features of nursing in mental health, substance abuse and acute crisis?
How do you form an interactive nursing relationship with a mental health and substance abuse patient?
How do you carry out nursing that promotes rehabilitation?
Surgical and perioperative nursing:
How do you utilize the evidence-based information in surgical and periopeartive nursing?
What are the most common ways to assist a patient in surgical and perioperative nursing?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a surgical patient?
How do you evaluate, plan and carry out the medicinal and non-medicinal pain management of a perioperative patient?
How do you carry out the safe nursing of a surgical and perioperative patient at the pre-, intra-, and postoperative stages?
How do you prevent, recognize and treat complications in surgical and perioperative nursing?
Evaluation scale
Professional basics in nursing and Clinical nursing I