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Energy production and consumption in pulp and paper industriesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: VV00ES20


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Kirsi Hovikorpi


After completing this course, you are able to
* describe the basic processes of pulp and paper industries
* give significant energy producers and consumers in pulp and paper mills
* explain the production mechanisms of additional bioproducts coming from waste or subproducts
* analyze the factors affecting the energy efficiency of production
* analyze the role of Finland in bioenergy production


How do we produce paper and board using paper and board machines, and in pulp mills pulp and energy?
Which subprocesses in pulp and paper mills do produce plenty of heat and where is this heat used?
Which interesting substances do they get from waste ans subproducts, and how do they get new bioproducts?
How are we able to improve the energy efficiency of production by improving machinery and automation?
How do they take into account the environmental impacts in pulp and paper industries?


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


01.01.2025 - 01.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Department of Construction and Energy Engineering


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Energy Engineering
  • Kirsi Hovikorpi
Teacher in charge

Kirsi Hovikorpi

  • ENKT21SP
    Energy engineering, full-time studies
  • ENKT22SP
    Energy engineering, full-time studies


After completing this course, you are able to
* describe the basic processes of pulp and paper industries
* give significant energy producers and consumers in pulp and paper mills
* explain the production mechanisms of additional bioproducts coming from waste or subproducts
* analyze the factors affecting the energy efficiency of production
* analyze the role of Finland in bioenergy production


How do we produce paper and board using paper and board machines, and in pulp mills pulp and energy?
Which subprocesses in pulp and paper mills do produce plenty of heat and where is this heat used?
Which interesting substances do they get from waste ans subproducts, and how do they get new bioproducts?
How are we able to improve the energy efficiency of production by improving machinery and automation?
How do they take into account the environmental impacts in pulp and paper industries?


1. Learn materials
2. Häggblom-Ahnger, U., Komulainen, P., Paperin ja kartongin valmistus, Gummerus, Jyväskylä 2003, 290 s.
3. Learning Environment for Papermaking and Automation, KnowPap, Prowledge, Espoo Finland, 2015.
4. Seppälä, M. (toim.), Paperimassan valmistus, Gummerus, Saarijärvi 2002, 196 s.
5. Learning Environment for Chemical Pulping and Automation, KnowPulp, Prowledge 2015, Espoo Finland.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Työviikkopohjainen oppimisväylä:
Opintojakson suoritettuasi osaat
* kuvata massa- ja paperiteollisuuden perusprosessien toiminnan
* luetella merkittävimmät energian tuottajat ja kuluttajat sellu- ja paperitehtaassa
* selostaa täydentävien biotuotteiden tuotantomekanismit sivuvirroista
* analysoida tuotannon energiatehokkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä
* analysoida metsäteollisuuden roolia Suomen bioenergian tuotannossa.
Miten paperi- ja kartonkikoneilla saadaan tuotetuksi paperia tai kartonkia sekä sellutehtaassa sellua ja energiaa?
Missä sellutehtaan ja paperitehtaan osaprosesseissa tuotetaan runsaasti lämpöä ja missä sitä kulutetaan?
Mitä kiinnostavia aineita saadaan tuotannon sivuvirroista ja miten niistä saadaan uusia biotuotteita?
Miten energiatehokkuutta voidaan parantaa kone- ja automaatioteknisin menetelmin?
Miten massa- ja paperiteollisuudessa otetaan huomioon tuotannon ympäristövaikutukset?

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

RDI work is not included in the course.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

* Online lectures in internet 9 x 3 h
* Projects and exercises 63 h
* Additional self-study 40 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Exam (70 %) and project (30 %), both accepted.


06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023


04.09.2023 - 10.11.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Construction and Energy Engineering


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

10 - 40

  • Merja Mäkelä
  • Kirsi Hovikorpi
Teacher in charge

Merja Mäkelä

  • ENKT20SP
    Energy engineering, full-time studies
  • ENKT21KM
    Energy engineering, part-time studies


After completing this course, you are able to
* describe the basic processes of pulp and paper industries
* give significant energy producers and consumers in pulp and paper mills
* explain the production mechanisms of additional bioproducts coming from waste or subproducts
* analyze the factors affecting the energy efficiency of production
* analyze the role of Finland in bioenergy production


How do we produce paper and board using paper and board machines, and in pulp mills pulp and energy?
Which subprocesses in pulp and paper mills do produce plenty of heat and where is this heat used?
Which interesting substances do they get from waste ans subproducts, and how do they get new bioproducts?
How are we able to improve the energy efficiency of production by improving machinery and automation?
How do they take into account the environmental impacts in pulp and paper industries?


1. Learn materials
2. Häggblom-Ahnger, U., Komulainen, P., Paperin ja kartongin valmistus, Gummerus, Jyväskylä 2003, 290 s.
3. Learning Environment for Papermaking and Automation, KnowPap, Prowledge, Espoo Finland, 2015.
4. Seppälä, M. (toim.), Paperimassan valmistus, Gummerus, Saarijärvi 2002, 196 s.
5. Learning Environment for Chemical Pulping and Automation, KnowPulp, Prowledge 2015, Espoo Finland.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Scheduled track:
After completing this course, you are able to
* describe the basic processes of pulp and paper industries
* give significant energy producers and consumers in pulp and paper mills
* explain the production mechanisms of additional bioproducts coming from waste or subproducts
* analyze the factors affecting the energy efficiency of production
* analyze the role of Finland in bioenergy production
How do we produce paper and board using paper and board machines, and in pulp mills pulp and energy?
Which subprocesses in pulp and paper mills do produce plenty of heat and where is this heat used?
Which interesting substances do they get from waste ans subproducts, and how do they get new bioproducts?
How are we able to improve the energy efficiency of production by improving machinery and automation?
How do they take into account the environmental impacts in pulp and paper industries?

Independent track:
Exam and working life project.

Blended track:
Exam and RDI project.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

RDI work is not included in the course.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

* Online lectures in internet 48 h
* Projects and exercises 54 h
* Additional self-study 33 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Exam (60 %) and project (40 %), both accepted.