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Valinnaiset opinnot: Healthcare

Code: VVHY


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Code Name Credits (cr)
SH00DO05 Acute pain and pain treatment 5
SH00DO07 Acute wounds - effective treatment 5
VV00DL56 Adolescent psychiatric nursing and creative/ functional methods 5
VV00EE24 Advanced first aid 1
SH00EQ36 Akuuttihoitotyön perusteet 5
VV00ET83 Approaches to assessing human functioning 3
VV00EF50 Associations in welfare society 5
VV00EO16 Basic baby care 2
VV00EO16 Basic baby care 2
VV00EP31 Basics and treatment of addictive gambling 5
S00Y062 Basics for Working with Mentally Retarded and their Families 5
VV00EE23 Basics of first aid 1
VV00DA27 Basics of nursing in social work 5
VV00FG55 Basics of pharmacotherapy in social sector 5
VV00DL55 Child psychiatry and functional methods 5
SH00AD10 Cooperative therapeutic relationships in mental health care and substance abuse care 5
VV00ES37 Demanding Special Health Care Of The Children And Adolescents 5
VV00EF56 Digital gaming in social services 5
VV00DI17 Drug dosage calculations 0
VV00DX00 Environmental issues affecting our health 5
VV00EW83 First Aid Course EA 1® 1
SH00DM48 General pathology 5
VV00EU71 Gerontologinen sosiaalityö ja -ohjaus 5
VV00EU72 Gerontologisen sosiaalityön menetelmiä sosiaalialalla 5
SH00AC91 Gerontology nursing 5
VV00CY62 Gestational diabetes 3
VV00CY67 Hygiene Certificate 2
VV00DI58 Intensive course in pain management 5
VV00EL24 Leikki ja leikillisyys varhaiskasvatuksessa 5
SH00DO06 Lääkehoidon kädentaidot turvallisesti 5
VV00DG73 Medical terminology 5
VV00DL59 Multiculturalism in sexual counseling 5
SH00ED28 Nursing of a tracheostomized patient 5
SH00EK91 Nursing of patients with intoxication 5
VV00EJ21 Operative nursing 3 - 5
S00Y047 Pain management 5
VV00EI08 Palliative and terminal care 5
VV00ES13 Pelikasvatuksen perusteet 5
S00Y200 Pharmacological care in social services 3
VV00DC94 Pharmacology 5
VV00CY73 Prevention of social exclusion 5
VV00DM55 Refresher course in drug calculation 5
VV00EJ26 SEPSIS patient as a first aid client 5
H00D204 Sairaanhoitajan kliiniset perustaidot - laboraatioharjoituksia teoriatietoa soveltamalla 2
VV00EL94 Structural Social Work 5
VV00EH04 Sub-areas of clinical core competence assessment 0
VV00EI76 Supporting language and communication skills in early childhood education 5
VV00DJ59 Surgery nursing 5
SH00EN92 Toteuta lääkehoitoa turvallisesti – sosionomi, geronomi, lähihoitaja 5
VV00EP24 Varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogiikkaa sosionomeille 5
S00Y028 Violence work 5
S00D044 Violence work 5
VV00EP33 Woman´s sexual health 3
S00D012 Wound management 3