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Lifestyle change and how to support itLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: WM00EJ67


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English


You can recognize the phases of a lifestyle change
You can recognize the factors affecting a lifestyle change
You understand how a lifestyle change can be supported
You can describe the principles of a motivational interview
You can give feedback motivationally


What are the phases of a lifestyle change?
What are the factors to motivate to lifestyle change?
How can the strengths be recognized?
What kind of challenges can be encountered in lifestyle change?
What does resilience mean?
What are the lifetraps and why these are important to recognize in the lifestyle changes?
How to support a lifestyle change?
What is motivational interviewing?
How do you give feedback motivationally?


Customer encounter and customer's rights and responsibilities


08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024


03.09.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Mia Blanc
  • Pia Jääskeläinen
Teacher in charge

Mia Blanc

  • HJMI23SM
    Wellbeing Management, fulltime studies


You can recognize the phases of a lifestyle change
You can recognize the factors affecting a lifestyle change
You understand how a lifestyle change can be supported
You can describe the principles of a motivational interview
You can give feedback motivationally


What are the phases of a lifestyle change?
What are the factors to motivate to lifestyle change?
How can the strengths be recognized?
What kind of challenges can be encountered in lifestyle change?
What does resilience mean?
What are the lifetraps and why these are important to recognize in the lifestyle changes?
How to support a lifestyle change?
What is motivational interviewing?
How do you give feedback motivationally?


Customer encounter and customer's rights and responsibilities

Evaluation scale



06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023


11.09.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Mia Blanc
  • Pia Jääskeläinen
Teacher in charge

Mia Blanc

  • WMMI22SP
    Wellbeing Management, full-time studies


You can recognize the phases of a lifestyle change
You can recognize the factors affecting a lifestyle change
You understand how a lifestyle change can be supported
You can describe the principles of a motivational interview
You can give feedback motivationally


What are the phases of a lifestyle change?
What are the factors to motivate to lifestyle change?
How can the strengths be recognized?
What kind of challenges can be encountered in lifestyle change?
What does resilience mean?
What are the lifetraps and why these are important to recognize in the lifestyle changes?
How to support a lifestyle change?
What is motivational interviewing?
How do you give feedback motivationally?

Evaluation scale



06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023


04.09.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Marko Issakainen
Teacher in charge

Marko Issakainen

  • HJMI22SP
    Wellbeing Management, fulltime studies


You can recognize the phases of a lifestyle change
You can recognize the factors affecting a lifestyle change
You understand how a lifestyle change can be supported
You can describe the principles of a motivational interview
You can give feedback motivationally


What are the phases of a lifestyle change?
What are the factors to motivate to lifestyle change?
How can the strengths be recognized?
What kind of challenges can be encountered in lifestyle change?
What does resilience mean?
What are the lifetraps and why these are important to recognize in the lifestyle changes?
How to support a lifestyle change?
What is motivational interviewing?
How do you give feedback motivationally?


Opintoja nopeuttava väylä:
- Miller & Rollnick 2013 Motivational interviewing : helping people change (soveltuvin osin)
- Avery, Whitehead & Halliday 2016 How to Facilitate Lifestyle Change: Applying Group Education in Healthcare (soveltuvin osin)
Muu mahdollinen materiaali ilmoitetaan opintojakson Learn-alustalla.

Työviikkopohjaisen väylän ja työhön integroidun väylän opiskelumateriaaleista ilmoitetaan opintojakson Learn-alustalla.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Työviikkopohjainen väylä:
Osallistut työjärjestyksen mukaiseen opetukseen, joka sisältää esimerkiksi webinaareja, simulaatioharjoituksia sekä yksilö- ja pienryhmätehtäviä. Opiskelusi rytmittyy työjärjestyksen mukaisten tapaamisten ja oppimistehtävien mukaan.

Työhön integroitu väylä:
Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä on mahdollinen, jos voit työtehtävissäsi kehittää opintojakson tavoitteissa ja sisällöissä mainittua osaamista. Ota opintojakson opettajaan yhteyttä hyvissä ajoin ennen opintojakson alkua sen määrittämiseksi
• onko työhön integroitu oppimisväylä omassa työtehtävässäsi mahdollinen.
• millaisia näyttöjä osaamisestasi sinun on mahdollista antaa.
• mitä opintojakson osia sinun tulee mahdollisesti lisäksi suorittaa opetukseen osallistuen.

Voit osoittaa osaamistasi aiemmin hankitulla korkeakouluopinnoilla tai työkokemuksella, mikäli ne vastaavat opintojakson tavoitteita. Jos haet osittaista osaamisen tunnustamista (1-4 op), lähetä vapaamuotoinen osaamisesi kuvaus suhteessa opintojakson tavoitteisiin ja todistukset sähköpostilla opintojakson opettajalle viimeistään opintojakson alkaessa. Osaamisen näyttöihin on lukujärjestyksessä varattu erillinen aika. Koko opintojakson osaamisen tunnistaminen (5 op) haetaan eLomakkeella, joka osoitetaan opintojakson opettajalle.

Opintoja nopeuttava väylä:
Teet yksilötentin.

Oppimisväylien valinnoista sovitaan opintojakson alkaessa.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Työviikkopohjaisessa väylässä järjestetään simulaatioita, joissa harjoitellaan mm. motivoivaa haastattelua työelämään pohjautuvien esimerkkien pohjalta. Työn opinnollistaminen ja osaamisen tunnistaminen ovat mahdollisia tällä opintojaksolla. Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti alumnin vierailu tai puheenvuoro, työelämäedustajan asiantuntijaluento ja toimeksianto työelämältä kirjalliseen tehtävään. Mikäli työelämän toimeksianto toteutuu, siihen pyritään järjestämään myös vuorovaikutuksellinen palautteenanto toimeksiantajan kanssa.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Työviikkopohjaisessa ja työhön integroidussa väylässä ei ole tenttiä, vaan kirjallisia tehtäviä, joiden palautusaika sovitaan opintojakson alkaessa.
Opintoja nopeuttavassa väylässä on yksilötentti, jonka ajankohta sovitaan opintojakson alkaessa.

Uusinnat ilmoitetaan opintojakson Learn-alustalla.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op = 135 tuntia
Työviikkopohjaisessa väylässä on 18 tuntia kontaktitunteja ja 117 tuntia itsenäistä opiskelua sisältäen tehtävät ja valmistautumisen tunneille.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

Työviikkopohjaiseen väylään kuuluvat kontaktitunnit ovat vapaaehtoisia ja niitä ei nauhoiteta. Opintojaksolla on vuorovaikutusharjoituksia

Further information

Opintojakson opettajana on Sari Laanterä (
Opintojakson arvosanan mahdollinen korotus tapahtuu yksilötentillä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Opintojaksolla saat suullista palautetta harjoitusten yhteydessä. Opintojakson arvosana perustuu kirjalliseen tehtävään, joka arvioidaan numeerisesti ja saat siitä sanallista palautetta. Opintojaksolla käytetään itsearviointia ja vertaisarviointia. Arvioinneissa käytetään arviointikehikkoa.


06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022


29.08.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Business


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish

20 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Sari Laanterä
Teacher in charge

Sari Laanterä

  • WMMI21SP
    Wellbeing management, full-time studies


You can recognize the phases of a lifestyle change
You can recognize the factors affecting a lifestyle change
You understand how a lifestyle change can be supported
You can describe the principles of a motivational interview
You can give feedback motivationally


What are the phases of a lifestyle change?
What are the factors to motivate to lifestyle change?
How can the strengths be recognized?
What kind of challenges can be encountered in lifestyle change?
What does resilience mean?
What are the lifetraps and why these are important to recognize in the lifestyle changes?
How to support a lifestyle change?
What is motivational interviewing?
How do you give feedback motivationally?


Reading material for the independent track includes the following:
- Miller & Rollnick 2013 Motivational interviewing: Helping people change (as appropriate)
- Avery, Whitehead & Halliday 2016 How to Facilitate Lifestyle Change: Applying Group Education in Healthcare (as appropriate)
Other possible material is specified in the Learn platform of the course.

The learning material for the scheduled and blended tracks is specified in the Learn platform.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Scheduled track:
You attend the contact classes which include for example lectures, simulations, study visit and assignments. The assignments are completed individually and in small groups. In addition, you practice small group counseling. Your timetable bases on the class schedule and deadlines of the assignments.

Blended track:
Blended track is possible if you can develop your skills relating to the course objectives in your work. In this case, please, contact the teacher (Sari Laanterä) before the course begins. That way it is possible to assess if
• the blended track is possible in your work.
• you need to demonstrate your competence.
• you need to attend some parts of the course to complete your competence.

If you have completed previous higher education studies or gained work experience that match the learning outcomes and content of this course, you can apply for the right to demonstrate your competence. In case you want to apply for the recognition of competence for the entire course (5 ECTS credits), you need to submit an e-application to the course teacher. In other cases, please send an informal application with certificates to the teacher via email at the beginning of the course at the latest. Please, pay attention that your email describes how your skills meet the learning outcomes and content of this course.

Independent track:
In case you choose the independent track, you carry out an Exam test independently.

Please, note that you need to choose your learning track at the beginning of the course.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

The scheduled track involves the study visit to Saimaa Stadiumi and simulations in the school environment. These simulations include motivational interviews and the cases base on working life. In addition, there is small group counseling during this course.

Working life contacts on this course can also relate to completing the course through the blended track and recognition of competence. There can also be an alumni visit, expert lessons and assignments from a real working life organization. In this case, there is also feedback by the representative of the organization.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

The scheduled track has an assignment instead of the exam. The timetable for this assignment is set at the beginning of the course.

In case of the independent track, you take the exam through the Exam system according to your own individual timetable.

The timetable of re-attempts is in the Learn platform.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

This course covers 5 ECTS credits = 135 hours.
These hours are divided as follows for the scheduled track:
10 hours contact classes,
10 hours exercises, simulations and counseling,
115 hours independent studies including the assignments and preparing for the lessons.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

The contact classes are voluntary and you can also follow them online. It is compulsory to attend the counseling. Counseling requires taking initiative and responsibility, in other words abilities needed in entrepreneurship. This course also includes interactive exercises.

Further information

The teacher of the course is Sari Laanterä (

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

You get spoken feedback during exercises. The grade of this course bases on written assignments that are evaluated numerically and you get feedback for it. In addition, peer feedback and self-assessment are used on this course and assessment relies on a specific assessment matrix introduced in the beginning of the course.