Wellbeing entrepreneurship and utilization of networksLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: WM00EJ75
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
- English
You understand the role and significance of different parties in promoting the wellbeing of a customer.
You know what wellbeing business is and recognize networks of actors in the field.
You understand what co-development is and how value is created in networks.
You recognize and analyze the business opportunities in the operational environment.
You can plan and develop business in an interactive, user-driven and co-operative manner.
You can take into account the opportunities provided by digitalization in the development work.
You know the ethical principles and starting points in wellbeing entrepreneurship and acting in networks.
What is wellbeing business and entrepreneurship?
What are the networks of actors in the wellbeing field?
How are the different factors and actors in the operational field taken into account in the planning and development of wellbeing business?
How cab networks be utilized in co-development and adding value?
How is business analyzed and developed with different business models?
What is user-driven planning?
How can digitalization be utilized in service development?
Management and workplace skills
04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024
13.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
2.5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Hyvinvointiliiketoiminnan johtaminen
- Maarit Vahvanen
Teacher in charge
Maarit Vahvanen
HJMI23SMWellbeing Management, fulltime studies
You understand the role and significance of different parties in promoting the wellbeing of a customer.
You know what wellbeing business is and recognize networks of actors in the field.
You understand what co-development is and how value is created in networks.
You recognize and analyze the business opportunities in the operational environment.
You can plan and develop business in an interactive, user-driven and co-operative manner.
You can take into account the opportunities provided by digitalization in the development work.
You know the ethical principles and starting points in wellbeing entrepreneurship and acting in networks.
What is wellbeing business and entrepreneurship?
What are the networks of actors in the wellbeing field?
How are the different factors and actors in the operational field taken into account in the planning and development of wellbeing business?
How cab networks be utilized in co-development and adding value?
How is business analyzed and developed with different business models?
What is user-driven planning?
How can digitalization be utilized in service development?
Opintojakson oppimateriaalina toimii:
Hänti, S. 2021. Asiakkaista ansaintaan: Asiakaskeskeinen liiketoimintamalli. Helsinki: Alma Talent.
Muu opiskelumateriaali julkaistaan Learn-ympäristössä opintojakson alkaessa.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Opintojakso toteutetaan pääasiassa aikaan sitomattomana verkko-opetuksena, mutta se sisältää myös kahdeksan aikaan sidottua etäopetuskertaa. Etäopetuskerroilla aktiivinen osallistuminen on ensisijaisen tärkeää. Opettajan ohjausta on saatavilla etäopetuskertojen yhteydessä. Osallistuminen edellyttää nettiyhteyden lisäksi kuva- ja ääniyhteyttä. Etäopetuskerrat toteutetaan pääsääntöisesti Teamsissa.
Opintojaksolla opiskelu tapahtuu Learn-ympäristössä. Pääsy opintojaksoalustalle aukeaa opintojakson alkamispäivänä. Opiskelu rytmittävät itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä tehtävät oppimistehtävät sekä etätunneilla toteutettavat tuntitehtävät. Arvioitavat tehtävät tehdään itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä/parityönä. Tehtävät on palautettava annetussa aikataulussa. Opintojaksolla hyödynnetään erilaisia palautteenantotapoja. Niitä voivat olla esimerkiksi kirjallinen ja suullinen palaute. Lisäksi voidaan hyödyntää myös vertaispalautteenantoa.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Opintojaksolla voidaan tehdä myös työelämäyhteistyötä.
Opintojakson oppimistehtäviä on mahdollisuus soveltaa työelämään tai oman tuotteen/yrityksen kehittämiseen.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Opintojakson oppimistehtävät tukevat opintojakson oppimistavoitteita sekä sisältöä. Opintojakson arviointi perustuu oppimistehtäviin, jotka arvioidaan erillisten kriteerien mukaisesti. Oppimistehtävät tulee palauttaa annettujen ohjeiden mukaisesti. Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Opintojaksolla voi olla myös kansainvälistä yhteistyötä.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
5 op:n opintojaksolla opiskelijan työmäärä on n. 135 t, joka koostuu työjärjestyksen mukaisista Teams -tapaamisista, ryhmätyöskentelystä sekä itsenäisestä opiskelusta.
Further information
Opintojaksolla auttaa hyvin suunniteltu itsenäinen opiskelu sekä hyvät ryhmätyötaidot.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointi tehdään suhteessa opintojakson osaamistavoitteisiin ja arviointikriteereihin.
06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023
08.01.2024 - 31.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Business
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
- Maarit Vahvanen
Teacher in charge
Maarit Vahvanen
WMMI22SPWellbeing Management, full-time studies
You understand the role and significance of different parties in promoting the wellbeing of a customer.
You know what wellbeing business is and recognize networks of actors in the field.
You understand what co-development is and how value is created in networks.
You recognize and analyze the business opportunities in the operational environment.
You can plan and develop business in an interactive, user-driven and co-operative manner.
You can take into account the opportunities provided by digitalization in the development work.
You know the ethical principles and starting points in wellbeing entrepreneurship and acting in networks.
What is wellbeing business and entrepreneurship?
What are the networks of actors in the wellbeing field?
How are the different factors and actors in the operational field taken into account in the planning and development of wellbeing business?
How cab networks be utilized in co-development and adding value?
How is business analyzed and developed with different business models?
What is user-driven planning?
How can digitalization be utilized in service development?
Management and workplace skills
Evaluation scale
06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023
08.01.2024 - 31.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
- Maarit Vahvanen
Teacher in charge
Maarit Vahvanen
HJMI22SPWellbeing Management, fulltime studies
You understand the role and significance of different parties in promoting the wellbeing of a customer.
You know what wellbeing business is and recognize networks of actors in the field.
You understand what co-development is and how value is created in networks.
You recognize and analyze the business opportunities in the operational environment.
You can plan and develop business in an interactive, user-driven and co-operative manner.
You can take into account the opportunities provided by digitalization in the development work.
You know the ethical principles and starting points in wellbeing entrepreneurship and acting in networks.
What is wellbeing business and entrepreneurship?
What are the networks of actors in the wellbeing field?
How are the different factors and actors in the operational field taken into account in the planning and development of wellbeing business?
How cab networks be utilized in co-development and adding value?
How is business analyzed and developed with different business models?
What is user-driven planning?
How can digitalization be utilized in service development?
Management and workplace skills
Evaluation scale
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
16.01.2023 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Business
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
- Maarit Vahvanen
Teacher in charge
Maarit Vahvanen
WMMI21SPWellbeing management, full-time studies
You understand the role and significance of different parties in promoting the wellbeing of a customer.
You know what wellbeing business is and recognize networks of actors in the field.
You understand what co-development is and how value is created in networks.
You recognize and analyze the business opportunities in the operational environment.
You can plan and develop business in an interactive, user-driven and co-operative manner.
You can take into account the opportunities provided by digitalization in the development work.
You know the ethical principles and starting points in wellbeing entrepreneurship and acting in networks.
What is wellbeing business and entrepreneurship?
What are the networks of actors in the wellbeing field?
How are the different factors and actors in the operational field taken into account in the planning and development of wellbeing business?
How cab networks be utilized in co-development and adding value?
How is business analyzed and developed with different business models?
What is user-driven planning?
How can digitalization be utilized in service development?
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
A study course to be completed independently or with your own team. Course includes various learning tasks and Teams meetings.
Work week-based learning path: you progress independently according to the course platform.
Learning path that accelerates studies: discuss and plan with the teacher about this option.
Work-integrated learning path is possible if, for example, you work in a company or organization related to the professional field or in work related to the professional field. In this case, you can complete the course at your workplace/project, either fully or partially. Learning requires that you familiarize yourself with the topics covered in the course and master them both in theory and in practice. You should always agree on the content of the learning tasks with the teacher of the course.
If you want to apply an accelerated or work-integrated learning path, contact the teacher before the start of the study period.
Evaluation scale