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Engineering mathematics 1Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: TY00EY55


5 op

Responsible person

  • Timo Riikilä


You are able to use various types of equations and systems of equations in order to solve problems.
You know the most common real functions and their characteristics.
You know the basic properties of exponential and logarithmic functions and the nature of exponential increase.
You are able to apply the methods of geometry to solve problems related to your field of study.
You know the central properties of vectors and know how to apply them.
You use the mathematical tools appropriately.
You understand and know how to calculate the mathematical applications related to your field of study.


How to investigate, model and represent the interdependencies between different things?
How can you apply the problem solving skills of different equations and systems of equations to practical problems?
How to deal with the problems related to exponential growth and decrease?
How to use the geometry and vectors in order to solve problems related to your field of study?
What mathematical tools exist and how to use them?
How to solve mathematical problems related to your field of study?


Completing the course requires basic competence in engineering mathematics.