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Carbon neutral buildingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TT00FE64


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


You know the concepts, definitions and characteristics of carbon neutral building.
You are familiar with the legislation and general quidance concerning carbon neutral building.
You know how forms of energy and different building materials affect the carbon dioxide emissions of particular buildings.
You know how to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions of buildings.
You understand the interconnections between carbon neutral building and the energy efficiency of buildings.


What is carbon neutral building?
What regulations guide carbon neutral building?
How do different building materials and forms of energy affect the carbon dioxide emissions of buildings?
How to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions of buildings?
What requirements do the principles of carbon neutral building set on design, construction procedures and proper use/maintenance?
What is the relationship between carbon neutral building and the energy efficiency of buildings?
What is carbon handprint and and how to affect it?


Completing the course requires a bachelor's degree from an applicable field and basic knowledge of different heating and ventilation systems.