Discrete mathematics 2Laajuus (5 cr)
Code: TK00BK51
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
- English
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024
13.01.2025 - 02.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Reijo Vuohelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
ITMI23SPInformation technology, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Seymour Lipschutz, Essential Computer Mathematics, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill 1982 or 1987. Additional material in Learn.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
The course will be contact teaching on the campus and you follow the weekly schedules. Theory lectures, homework and final exam.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
No pre-planned co-operation.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Final exam is at the end of the course. The actual date and time will be given on weekly schedule.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
No prepared co-operation.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
The five point course is counted to be 135 hours for students work. Theory lectures, homework and the final exam.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation is based on the final exam. Extra points from activity as described on Learn.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Teemu Saarelainen
Teacher in charge
Tiina Kettunen
PTKT24KPGame technologies, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Course handout (PDF), other electronic material, and web materials, which will be published on the course's learning platform. The exercises and their model answers will be provided to students during the weekly exercises.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
The teaching will be conducted as in-person instruction, meaning the student will participate in on-site activities according to the schedule. The student will complete the required exercises for the course as per the timeline, prepare to present their solutions in weekly exercises, and take part in midterm exams during the course. The course can also be completed solely through an exam.
Alternative methods of completion must be agreed upon with the course instructor before the course begins.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
This course does not include RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) or workplace collaboration.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Laskuharjoitukset tehdään ja palautetaan niille annettuun määräaikaan mennssä. Myöhästyneitä palautuksia ei oteta vastaan. Välikokeet ja/tai tentti sovitaan yhdessä opiskelijoiden kanssa.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Tällä kurssilla ei ole kansainvälistä yhteistyötä.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op, mikä tarkoittaa yhteensä 135h opiskelijan työtä. Tästä noin 60h on ohjattua työskentelyä ja 75h itsenäistä työskentelyä.
Further information
Opintojaksolla opetellaan tietotekniikassa ja erityisesti pelimatematiikassa tarvittavia matemaattisia käsitteitä, joten opiskelijalta edellytetään hyviä matemattisia valmiuksia sekä algebran osaamista.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointi perustuu kurssilla läsnäoloon ja aktiivisuuteen, hyväksyttävästi suoritettaviin laskuharjoituksiin, niistä saatuihin pisteisiin sekä välikokeisiin tai pelkästään tenttiin.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024
13.01.2025 - 11.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Information Technology
- Mikkeli Campus
- Ecampus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Reijo Vuohelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
TKMI24KVBusiness Information Technology , online studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Seymour Lipschutz, Essential Computer Mathematics, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill 1982 or 1987. Additional material in Learn.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Opintojakson materiaalit ovat Learnissa ja opintojakso pohjautuu oppikirjaan. Etenet oppikirjasta valittujen tehtävien ohjaamana itsenäisesti. Opintojakson aikana palautat Learn alustalle kahdet arvioitavat tehtävät oppimispäiväkirja -tyylisesti raportoituna.
Opintojaksolla on kaksi verkkokokousta, jossa voi esittää kysymyksiä ja lasketaan esimerkkejä.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Tällä toteutuksella ei ole suunniteltua työelämäyhteyttä.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Opintojakso arvioidaan palautettavien tehtävien raportilla. Raportoinnin tarkemmat ohjeet ja tehtävät julkaistaan Learn alustalla opintojakson alussa. Raportit palautetaan syysloman edellä ja joulun alla, tarkemmat päivämäärät katsotaan toteutuskohtaisesti ja ilmoitetaan Learn alustalla.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Ei suunniteltua yhteistyötä.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Raportoinnin tarkkuus ja selkeys, asioiden ymmärtämisen esittäminen oppimispäiväkirjassa.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024
02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Reijo Vuohelainen
OTMI23SPSoftware Engineering, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
To be settled later on.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
You participate in lectures and exercises according to the weekly schedule.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled later on.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled later on.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024
26.08.2024 - 22.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Teemu Saarelainen
Teacher in charge
Teemu Saarelainen
PTKT23SPGame technologies, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Electronic material as well as web material published on the course's Learn platform. Weekly tasks and their answers are also given to students during the exercise hours on class.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Participation in contact learning according to the weekly work schedule. The student completes the weekly assignments before the given deadlines, is prepared to present their answers to given assignments during weekly exercises, and participates in the midterm exam and final exam. The course can also be completed by just one exam that covers all topics of the course.
Alternative methods of study must be agreed with the lecturer in charge before the beginning of the course.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
During the course, demonstrations of studied mathematical tools will be given that use the most popular game engines and programming languages. These can be later utilized in different game projects and simulations.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Exercises and assignments must be completed before the given deadlines. Midterm and final exam schedule will be agreed upon together with the students.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Possible international connections will be announced in the beginning of the course on the Learn-page and on the Teams-channel of the course when needed.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
A total of 135h, of which about 55hrs is contact learning and 80hrs is independent work.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation in contact learning, completing course assignments and exams.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024
19.08.2024 - 22.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Information Technology
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Reijo Vuohelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
TKMI23SVBusiness Information Technology , online studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Seymour Lipschutz, Essential Computer Mathematics, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill 1982 or 1987. Additional material in Learn.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
To be settled at the course kick off.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled later on.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled later on.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024
26.08.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Teemu Saarelainen
Teacher in charge
Teemu Saarelainen
POKT23SPGame programming, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Electronic material as well as web material published on the course's Learn platform. Weekly tasks and their answers are also given to students during the exercise hours on class.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Participation in contact learning according to the weekly work schedule. The student completes the weekly assignments before the given deadlines, is prepared to present their answers to given assignments during weekly exercises, and participates in the midterm exam and final exam. The course can also be completed by just one exam that covers all topics of the course.
Alternative methods of study must be agreed with the lecturer in charge before the beginning of the course.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
During the course, demonstrations of studied mathematical tools will be given that use the most popular game engines and programming languages. These can be later utilized in different game projects and simulations.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Exercises and assignments must be completed before the given deadlines. Midterm and final exam schedule will be agreed upon together with the students.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Possible international connections will be announced in the beginning of the course on the Learn-page and on the Teams-channel of the course when needed.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
A total of 135h, of which about 55hrs is contact learning and 80hrs is independent work.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation in contact learning, completing course assignments and exams.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023
08.01.2024 - 26.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- English
1 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Jari Kortelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
ITMI22SPInformation technology, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
To be settled at the course kick off.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
You participate in lectures and exercises according to the weekly schedule.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled at the course kick off.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled at the course kick off.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023
08.01.2024 - 12.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Information Technology
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Jari Kortelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
TKMI23KVBusiness Information Technology , online studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Textbook: Seymour Lipschutz, Essential Computer Mathematics, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill 1982 or 1987. Course material provided by the lecture.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
To be settled at the course kick off.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled later on.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled later on.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023
28.08.2023 - 17.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
1 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Teemu Saarelainen
Teacher in charge
Tiina Kettunen
PTKT22SPGame technologies, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Material given by teacher and exercises.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Exam(s) and exercises and problems.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Opiskelijan työmäärä
5 credits
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Exam(s) and exercises and problems.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023
21.08.2023 - 17.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Department of Information Technology
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
25 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Teemu Saarelainen
Teacher in charge
Teemu Saarelainen
POKT22SPGame programming, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Electronic material as well as web material published on the course's Learn platform. Exercises and their model answers are also given to students on the course's Learn platform and / or Teams channel.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Participation in contact and / or remote learning according to the work schedule. The student completes the assignments, tasks and project work required in the course before the given deadlines and participates in the exam at the end of the course if it will be arranged.
Alternative methods of study must be agreed with the lecturer in charge before the beginning of the course.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
During the course, students will use the most popular game engines and programming languages to implement small game programming tasks and simple mathematic tools. These can be later utilized in different game projects and simulations.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Exercises and assignments will be returned to the Learn platform by the deadline specified there. Possible exam schedule will be agreed upon together with the students.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Possible international connections will be announced in the beginning of the course on the Learn-page and on the Teams-channel of the course when needed.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
A total of 135h, of which about 55hrs is contact learning and 80hrs is independent work.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation in contact learning, completing course assignments and project work.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023
14.08.2023 - 17.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Information Technology
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Jari Kortelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
TKMI22SVBusiness Information Technology , online studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
To be settled at the course kick off,
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
To be settled at the course kick off.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled later on.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled later on.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 40
Degree programmes
- Ohjelmistotekniikan koulutus
- Jari Kortelainen
OTMI22SPSoftware Engineering, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
To be settled at the course kick off.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
You participate in lectures and exercises according to the weekly schedule.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled later on.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled later on.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
09.01.2023 - 28.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Jari Kortelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
ITMI21SPInformation technology, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
To be settled at the course kick off.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
You participate in lectures and exercises according to the weekly schedule.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled at the course kick off.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled at the course kick off.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
09.01.2023 - 14.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Information Technology
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Jari Kortelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
TKMI22KVBusiness Information Technology, online studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
To be settled at the course kick off,
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
To be settled at the course kick off.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled later on.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled later on.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022
29.08.2022 - 09.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
12 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Game Programming
- Henry Lähteenmäki
Teacher in charge
Teemu Saarelainen
POKT21SPGame programming, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
Lecture notes and calculations.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Final exam.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
This course does not include RDI and work-related cooperation.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022
29.08.2022 - 04.11.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree programme in software engineering
- Jari Kortelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
OTMI21SPSoftware Engineering, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
To be settled at the course kick off.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
You participate in lectures and exercises according to the weekly schedule.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled later on.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled later on.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022
15.08.2022 - 18.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Information Technology
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Jari Kortelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
TKMI21SVBusiness Information Technology, online studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
To be settled at the course kick off,
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
To be settled at the course kick off.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled later on.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled later on.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge
08.11.2021 - 21.11.2021
10.01.2022 - 29.04.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Information Technology
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Jari Kortelainen
Teacher in charge
Jari Kortelainen
ITMI20SPInformation technology, full-time studies
You know the basic concepts of linear algebra and are able to perform calculations by means of vectors and matrices.
You know the basic concepts of graph theory and are able to solve problems by means of graphs.
You are able to define and illustrate finite state machines and automata.
How are calculations performed by means of vectors and matrices and how are systems of linear equations solved?
What is coordinate system and coordinate transformation?
What applications does linear algebra have?
How are graphs defined, classified and utilised in problem-solving?
How are finite state machines and automata defined and utilised in applications?
To be settled at the course kick off.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
You participate in lectures and exercises according to the weekly schedule.
Independent track:
You can show your competence e.g. by a certificate. To be settled at the course kick off.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
To be settled at the course kick off.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
To be settled at the course kick off.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To be settled at the course kick off.
Discrete mathematics 1 or equivalent knowledge