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Societal security strategyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TU00FA35


5 op


You demonstrate familiarity with the state's internal security strategy and outline the implementers of the strategy and their role in building internal security.
You are familiar with the changing security environment and its challenges.
You understand Finland's role as part of EU internal security.
You understand Finland's role as part of NATO security policy.
You recognise the role of the private security sector in implementing the internal security strategy.
You are familiar with the challenges of the changing security environment for the private security sector.
You understand the opportunities for the development and expansion of the private security sector brought about by the changing security environment.


What is our internal security built on?
How has the security environment in Finland changed?
What are the main threats to our internal security?
What is the role of each authority in building internal security?
What is Finland's role in the EU's internal security? What is Finland's role in NATO?
What is the role/position of the private security sector in implementing the internal security strategy?