Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Global sourcing (5 cr)

Code: IB00CP37-3003

General information


15.08.2019 - 30.08.2019


02.09.2019 - 31.12.2019

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Liiketalouden koulutusyksikkö, Kouvola (vanhettu)


Kouvola Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in International Business


  • Markku Nikkanen

Teacher in charge

Markku Nikkanen


  • IBKV18SP2
    International business, full-time studies


At the end of the course you:
can identify key objectives and responsibilities of purchasing and recognise different types of purchasing policies and procedures?
will be familiar with the reasons why firms pursue global sourcing, together with the associated obstacles hindering global sourcing efforts?
know about ethical and environmental responsibilities of suppliers and buyers?
will be familiar with the special nature of public procurement and sourcing of complex services?
can identify the key steps in the purchasing process and the role of e-procurement tools in the process?


Why do sourcing decisions have both operational and strategic importance to businesses?
How to select and evaluate suppliers and configure supply networks?
How do factors such as cost, risk and globalisation affect sourcing decisions?
What can organisational buyers do to ensure that they are not involved in unethical sourcing?
How does existing regulatory framework affect decision making in public procurement?
What are the differences between the purchasing of services and the purchasing of goods?
How can e-business be leveraged for sourcing decisions?


Arjan van Weele: Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 7th edition
Selected articles
Contributory literature will be announced later.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written casework with presentations, active participation to teamwork with peers both in class and online, and written examination.


Supply chain management 5 ECTS credits