Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Professional Swedish (5 cr)

Code: KY00DS46-3038

General information


14.12.2020 - 14.01.2021


01.01.2021 - 02.05.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Kielet ja viestintä, Kouvola


Kouvola Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish
  • Svenska


20 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Restoration


  • Marja-Liisa Siren-Huhtinen

Teacher in charge

Marja-Liisa Siren-Huhtinen


  • REKV20SP
    Restoration, full-time studies


You are able to communicate in spoken and written situations in your own field.
You are familiar with the terminology of your field and able to communicate in Swedish in professional situations.

The objectives are based on the Common European Framework of Languages, level B1 and Government Decree 1129/2014.

After completing the course with the grade of 3, you are able to:
- understand clear standard and work-related speech.
- use basic structures reasonably well both in spoken and written situations.
- speak relatively fluently so that occasional mistakes in pronunciation or prosody do not lead to misunderstanding.
- describe your education and work experience for example when applying for a job.
- describe and discuss key issues of your professional field (eg. the operation, products, processes or services of companies and/or organizations).


How do you use Swedish vocabulary related to education, work environment and workplace duties?
How do you use Swedish in different communicative situations of working life, for example in emails, telephoning and meetings?
How do you use the basic professional vocabulary required in your field and operational environment?


opettajan määräämä materiaali

Further information

Tutkintotodistukseen merkitään julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003, 6 § 1 mom.) mukaista kaksikielisessä viranomaisessa valtion henkilöstöltä vaadittavaa toisen kotimaisen kielen taitoa osoittavat arvosanat erikseen suullisen ja kirjallisen taidon osalta. Tutkintotodistuksen arvosana tyydyttävä vastaa arviointia 1–3 ja arvosana hyvä vastaa arviointia 4–5 .

Evaluation scale



If you have been instructed to participate in the Intensive course in Swedish, you must complete it or independently acquire the equivalent knowledge and skills before you can participate in this course.