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Hyvinvoinnin lähtökohdat 2 (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: WM00DJ73-3002

Toteutuksen perustiedot


15.08.2020 - 04.09.2020


31.08.2020 - 31.12.2020


5 op




Liiketalouden koulutusyksikkö, Mikkeli (vanhennettu)


Mikkelin kampus


  • Englanti


  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management


  • Marjaana Roponen
  • Elina Halonen
  • Susanne Kumpulainen
  • Sirpa Gardemeister


Sirpa Gardemeister


  • WMMI20KP
    Wellbeing Management, päivätoteutus


Professional growth:
You know how to act according to the policies and rules of working life.

Basics of human wellbeing and health:
You are able to identify and to analyse phenomena that threaten wellbeing and risk factors which weaken the ability to function and to work.
You are able to utilize existing information (eg registers and statistics) about the challenges of the wellbeing at the level of an individual and a community.

Active Life Lab: health technology and data:
You know how to measure and evaluate your own wellbeing.
You can measure different aspects of wellbeing with subjective and objective methods.
You understand the basics of laboratory-based wellbeing measurement methods in Active Life Lab.
You understand the field-based wellbeing measurements.

Communication and presentation skills:
You are capable of writing texts that meet the standards in terms of layout, content and style required in your studies and working life.
You are able to use appropriate writing and sharing tools.


Professional growth:
What are the national and international operating environments, procedures and the rules at workplaces?

Basics of human wellbeing and health:
What are the meanings of personal and context-related factors in the wellbeing of the individual?

Active Life Lab:
How to measure and evaluate your own wellbeing?
How to measure different aspects of wellbeing with subjective and objective methods?
What are the basics of laboratory-based wellbeing measurement methods in Active Life Lab?
What are the field-based wellbeing measurements?

Communication and presentation skills:
Which written skills (presentations, interaction in meetings and negotiations, self-assessment and feedback, easing stage fright) are you expected to possess both in your studies and in work assignments in your own professional field?


Given in the beginning of the course.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Not possible.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Not included.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Not included.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 x 27 hours, part of the lessons are at Saimaa Stadium.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

You need to be present in the info.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The evaluation of the course is based on the seminar work.