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Avoimen tarjonta tutkintolaisille



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Avoimen AMK:n tarjontaa, joka on avoinna myös tutkinto-opiskelijoille.

Code Name Credits (cr)
AV00ES11 3D Modeling in Blender 3
AV00EK30 Adjusting to changes caused by chronic diseases 5
AV00ES30 Adobe After Effects animointi 3
AV00ES31 Adobe Photoshop kuvankäsittely 3
AV00ET26 Advanced course in Game Programming 5
AV00ET24 An introduction to Game Programming 5
AV00DP09 Applying Neuropsychology in Healthcare and Rehabilitation 5
AV00EJ52 Assessment of respiratory failure in nursing 3
AV00EU03 Automation System Technology 5
AV00CU88 Basics and treatment of addictive gambling 5
AV00ET23 Basics of C# programming 5
AV00EP21 Basics of batteries and energy storage systems, 5 ECTS cr 5
AV00EP21 Basics of batteries and energy storage systems, 5 ECTS cr 5
AV00EP21 Basics of batteries and energy storage systems, 5 ECTS cr 5
AV00EI07 Basics of media education 5
AV00EI07 Basics of media education 5
AV00DO20 Basics of mental sports coaching 3
AV00EW36 Basics of the psychophysical approach in physiotherapy 5
AV00EH96 Basics of wellbeing, part 4: Permanent Lifestyle Change 5
AV00EV28 Beginners’ Finnish 1 2
AV00EV29 Beginners’ Finnish 2 3
AV00EM45 Charming nature tourism in Finland 5
AV00EG62 Cognitive functions in neurological diseases 5
AV00ER08 Create a website with WordPress 5
AV00ER08 Create a website with WordPress 5
AV00EO89 Demanding Special Health Care Of The Children And Adolescents 5
AV00EU25 Developing skills of youth workers – EMPOWERING youth work practices 3
AV00EG53 Diabetes education and counseling 5
AV00EN89 Dialogicality and emotions at work 2
AV00EP96 Dual Task training for brain health promotion 3
AV00EO40 Dyeing with Plants – natural alternative 3
AV00ET89 Effects of music on brain health 3
AV00EN90 Electric vehicles and charging systems 5
AV00ER10 Empowering youth 5
AV00EO26 Energy markets 5
AV00EO26 Energy markets 5
AV00EF40 Ensiavun perusteet 2
AV00ER18 Ensuring Electrical Safety 5
AV00EL47 Environmental Responsibility in Patient Care 5
AV00EM42 Finland – the happiest country in the world 5
AV00EG54 Foot health promotion 5
AV00ET25 Game Programming 5
AV00EQ84 Guiding a group of children and young people 5
AV00DN02 Health Promotion and Global Health 5
AV00EO85 In Touch with Measurement and Control Technology 5
AV00EO85 In Touch with Measurement and Control Technology 5
AV00ER62 Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 3
AV00EU00 Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 5
AV00EI34 Leikki ja leikillisyys varhaiskasvatuksessa 5
AV00EJ12 Linux operating system administration 5
AV00EJ12 Linux operating system administration 5
AV00EQ11 Low Carbon in Construction 5
AV00EQ65 Low Carbon in Construction 5
AV00ES62 Maternity and woman's nursing 3
AV00DO21 Mindfulness and wellbeing 5
AV00DM39 Multiculturalism in sexual counseling 5
AV00DP11 New technologies in health care 5
AV00EN29 New trends in working life 5
AV00EJ13 Nursing of children and young persons 3
AV00EG55 Nutrition for sports and physical activity 5
AV00ER57 Object-oriented programming 5
AV00EM09 Pain and its non-pharmacological treatment 5
AV00EM20 Pharmacology in Heart diseases 2
AV00EM21 Pharmacology in mental health, substance abuse care and acute crisis 2
AV00EQ08 Physical activity and exercise of children and youth 5
AV00EI15 Popular music manifesting the youth culture 5
AV00EO28 Portfolio investment 1 — Markets, economy and investment products 5
AV00EO29 Portfolio investment 2 — Investment services, taxation and legislation 5
AV00EL41 Prevention of infections 5
AV00EO00 Productization of foodstuffs to international markets 5
AV00DM38 Promoting Brain Health of Adults 3
AV00ES40 Prosessiteollisuuden sivuvirrat 5
AV00EG21 Psychological Flexibility and wellbeing 5
AV00EU05 QualityMaster 5
AV00EO59 Recognizing of the ECG 5
AV00ET22 Red Hat Kubernetes 2
AV00EE06 Respiratory and cardiovascular rehabilitation 5
AV00EJ04 Safety automation and logics 10
AV00EQ01 Self-compassion and wellbeing 3
AV00DX04 Sexual health and rights 5
AV00EU04 Skilled student supervision 5
AV00ER19 Solar Power Systems 5
AV00ER19 Solar Power Systems 5
AV00ER39 Stories start to live – literature and word art in well-being 5
AV00EA52 Supporting socio-emotional skills in early childhood education 5
AV00EA52 Supporting socio-emotional skills in early childhood education 5
AV00EQ24 Sustainable technology management 5
AV00EP19 Tame the vegetables! Vegan and vegetarian food 4
AV00DM31 The Best Interest of the Child 5
AV00EL49 The Best Interest of the Child as the concept 5
AV00EO41 Trendy garment from recycled materials 5
AV00EQ64 Wastewater treatment in sparsely populated areas 5
AV00EO23 Welfare from Visual Arts 2 5
AV00ES73 Well-being from food 2: Special diets 5
AV00ES72 Well-being from food 2: Vegan and vegetarian food 5
AV00ES74 Well-being from food 3: Health-promoting food for seniors 5
AV00EN26 Wellbeing, Part 1: Basics of Human Anatomy 5
AV00DM11 Wellbeing, Part 2: Basics of strength training 5
AV00DM12 Wellbeing, Part 3: Basics of nutrition 5
AV00EI39 Working with Children in Foster Care 5